owners manual Mercedes GLC
owners manual Mercedes GLC - year of production: 2015 - Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes GLC, year of production 2015:
Occupantsafety 59
Howtheairbagsystemworksisdeter- ®takes the following measures
minedbytheseverityoftheaccidentdetec-depending on the hazardous situation detec-
ted, especially the vehicle deceleration orted:
acceleration and the apparent type of acci-Rthefront seat belts are pre-tensioned.
Rif the vehicle skids, the side windows and
Rfrontal collision the panorama roof with power tilt/sliding
Rsideimpact panel are closed.
Rrollover Rvehicles with the memory function for theSafety
front-passenger seat: the front-passenger
seat is adjusted if it is in an unfavorable
PRE-SAFE (anticipatory occupant position.
protection system) If the hazardous situation passes without
Introduction resulting in an accident, PRE-SAFE slackens
the belt pre-tensioning. All settings made by
® ®
PRE-SAFE takes preemptive measures toPRE-SAFE canthenbereversed.
protect occupants in certain hazardous sit-If the seat belt pre-tensioning is not reduced:
uations. XMovetheseatbackrestorseatback
Important safety notes slightly when the vehicle is stationary.
!Makesurethattherearenoobjectsinthe the locking mechanism is released.
ger that the seats and/or objects could be ®
damagedwhenPRE-SAFE®isactivated. the PRE-SAFE convenience function. You
will find informationontheconveniencefunc-
Despite your vehicle being equipped with thetion under "Belt adjustment" (Y page 47).
PRE-SAFE®system, the possibility of per-
sonalinjuries occurring as a result of an acci-
dentcannotbeeliminated.AlwaysadaptyourPRE-SAFE®PLUS(anticipatory occu-
driving style to suit the prevailing road andpant protection system PLUS)
weather conditions and maintain a safe dis-Introduction
tance from the vehicle in front. Drive care-
fully. PRE-SAFE®PLUSisonlyavailableinvehicles
Function with the Driving Assistance package.
Using the radar sensor system, PRE-SAFE®
PRE-SAFE®intervenes: PLUSisabletodetectthatahead-onorrear-
Rinemergencybrakingsituations,e.g.whenend collision is imminent. In certain hazard-
BASisactivated ous situations, PRE-SAFE PLUS takes pre-
emptive measures to protect the vehicle
ical limits are exceeded and the vehicle
understeers or oversteers severelyImportant safety notes
Rvehicles with the Driving Assistance pack-
age:whenadriverassistancesysteminter-The intervention of PRE-SAFE® PLUS cannot
venes powerfully or the radar sensor sys-prevent an imminent collision.
temdetects an imminent danger of colli-The driver is not warned about the interven-
sion in certain situations ®
tion of PRE-SAFE PLUS.

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year of production from: 2015

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Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual
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