owners manual Mercedes GLC
owners manual Mercedes GLC - year of production: 2015 - Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes GLC, year of production 2015:
62 Children in the vehicle
Removing the child restraint system andsudden change in direction. The child
deactivating the special seat belt retractor:restraintsystemcouldbethrownabout,strik-
XMakesureyouobservethechildrestrainting vehicle occupants. There is an increased
systemmanufacturer'sinstallationinstruc-risk of injury, possibly even fatal.
tions. Always install child restraint systems prop-
XPresstherelease button of the seat belterly, even if they are not being used. Make
buckleandguidetheseatbelttonguebacksure that you observe the child restraint sys-
Safetytowards the belt sash guide. temmanufacturer's installation instructions.
The special seat belt retractor is deactiva-Youwill find further information on stowing
ted. objects, luggage or loads under "Loading
guidelines" (Y page 306).
Child restraint system GWARNING
The use of seat belts and child restraint sys-Child restraint systems or their securing sys-
temsis required by law in: temswhichhavebeendamagedorsubjected
to a load in an accident can no longer protect
Rall 50 states as intended. The child cannot then be
RtheU.S.territories restrained in the event of an accident, heavy
RtheDistrict of Columbia brakingorsuddenchangesofdirection.There
Rall Canadian provinces is an increased risk of injury, possibly even
Youcanobtainfurther information about thefatal.
correct child restraint system from anyReplace child restraint systems which have
authorized Mercedes-Benz Center. been damaged or subjected to a load in an
GWARNING accidentassoonaspossible.Havethesecur-
ing systems on the child restraint system
If the child restraint system is installed incor-checked at a qualified specialist workshop,
rectly on a suitable seat, it cannot protect asbefore you install a child restraint system
in the event of an accident, heavy braking or
sudden changes of direction. There is anThe securing systems of child restraint sys-
increased risk of injury, possibly even fatal.temsare:
MakesurethatyouobservethechildrestraintRtheseatbelt system
system manufacturer's installation instruc-RtheLATCH-type(ISOFIX) securing rings
tions and the notes on use. Please ensure,RtheTopTetheranchorages
that the base of the child restraint system isIf it is absolutely necessary to carry a child on
always resting completely on the seat cush-the front-passenger seat, be sure to observe
ion. Neverplaceobjects,e.g.cushions,underthe information on the "Occupant Classifica-
orbehindthechildrestraintsystem.Onlyusetion System (OCS)" (Y page 51). There you
child restraint systems with the original coverwill also find information on deactivating the
designed for them. Only replace damagedfront-passenger front air bag.
covers with genuine covers.
If the child restraint system is installed incor-
rectly or is not secured, it can come loose in
the event of an accident, heavy braking or a

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year of production from: 2015

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