owners manual Mercedes GLC
owners manual Mercedes GLC - year of production: 2015 - Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes GLC, year of production 2015:
56 Occupantsafety
Besuretoobservethenoteson"Systemself-test" (Y page 54).
Problem Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions
The PASSENGERAIR The classification of the person on the front-passenger seat is
BAGOFFindicator incorrect.
Safetylamp lights up andXMakesuretheconditionsforacorrectclassificationoftheper-
remains lit, even son on the front-passenger seat are met (Y page 51).
though the front-XIf the PASSENGER AIR BAG OFF indicator lamp remains lit, the
passengerseatisoccu-front-passenger seat may not be used.
pied by an adult or aXHaveOCScheckedassoonaspossibleatanauthorized
personofastaturecor-Mercedes-Benz Center.
The PASSENGERAIR OCSismalfunctioning.
BAGOFFindicator XMakesurethereisnothingbetweentheseatcushionandthe
lamp does not light upchild seat.
and/or does not stayXMakesurethattheentirebaseofthechildrestraintsystemrests
on. ontheseatcushionofthefront-passengerseat.Thebackrestof
The front-passengertheforward-facingchildrestraintsystemmustlieasflataspos-
seat is: sible against the backrest of the front-passenger seat. If nec-
Runoccupied essary, adjust the position of the front-passenger seat.
Roccupiedwith theXMakesurethattheseatcushionlengthisfully retracted.
weight of a child upXWheninstalling the child restraint system, make sure that the
to twelve months oldseat belt is tight. Do not pull the seat belt tight using the front-
in a child restraintpassengerseatadjustment.Thiscouldresultintheseatbeltand
system the child restraint system being pulled too tightly.
XCheckforcorrect installation of the child restraint system.
Makesurethattheheadrestraint does not apply a load to the
child restraint system. If necessary, adjust the head restraint
XMakesurethatnoobjectsareapplyingadditional weight onto
the seat.
or the PASSENGERAIRBAGONindicatorlamplightsup,donot
install a child restraint system on the front-passenger seat. It is
recommendedthatyouinstall the child restraint system on a
suitable rear seat.
Mercedes-Benz Center.

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year of production from: 2015

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Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual
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