owners manual Mercedes GLC
owners manual Mercedes GLC - year of production: 2015 - Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes GLC, year of production 2015:
58 Occupantsafety
the restraint system are activated independ-The vehicle can be deformed considerably,
ently of each other in certain frontal collisionwithout an air bag being deployed. This is the
situations: case if only parts which are relatively easily
RFrontair bags and driver's knee bagdeformed are affected and the rate of decel-
RWindowcurtainairbag,ifthesystemdeter-eration is not high. Conversely, air bags may
ty minesthatdeploymentcanofferadditionalbe deployed even though the vehicle suffers
protection to that provided by the seat beltonlyminordeformation.Thisisthecaseif,for
SafeThefront-passengerfront air bag is activatedexample, very rigid vehicle parts such as lon-
or deactivated depending on the person ongitudinalbodymembersarehit,andsufficient
the front-passenger seat. The front-deceleration occurs as a result.
passenger front air bag can only deploy in anIf the control unit of the restraint s
accident if the PASSENGERAIRBAGONindi-detectsasideimpactoravehiclerollover,the
cator lamp is lit. Observe the information onrelevant components of the restraint system
the PASSENGERAIRBAGindicator lampsare activated separately depending on the
Ypage43). anticipated type of accident.
Your vehicle has two-stage front air bags.RSideimpactairbagsonthesideofimpact,
During the first deployment stage, the frontindependently of the Emergency Tension-
air bag is filled with propellant gas to reduceing Device and the use of the seat belt on
the risk of injuries. The front air bag is fullythedriver'sseatandouterseatsinthesec-
deployed with the maximum amount of pro-ondrow
pellant gas if a second deployment thresholdThe side impact air bag on the front-
is reached within a few milliseconds.passenger side (front) deploys under the
The activation threshold of the Emergencyfollowing conditions:
TensioningDevicesandtheairbagaredeter--the OCS system detects that the front-
minedbyevaluatingtherateofvehicledecel-passenger seat is occupied or
eration or acceleration which occurs at vari--the belt tongue is engaged in the belt
ss is pre- buckle of the front-passenger seat
ouspoints in the vehicle. This proce
emptive in nature. Deployment should takeRWindowcurtainair bag on the side of
placeingoodtimeatthestartofthecollision.impact, independently of the use of the
The rate of vehicle deceleration or accelera-seatbeltandindependentlyofwhetherthe
tion and the direction of the force are essen-front-passenger seat is occupied
tially determined by: RFrontEmergencyTensioningDevices,ifthe
Rthedistribution of forces during the colli-system determines that deployment can
sion offer additional protection for the vehicle
Rthecollision angle occupants in this situation
cle tain situations if the vehicle rolls over
the vehicle has collided front-passenger side in certain situations
Factorswhichcanonlybeseenandmeasuredwhenthevehicle rolls over, if the system
after a collision has occurred do not play adeterminesth
decisive role in the deployment of an air bag.tional protection to that provided by the
Nor do they provide an indication of air bagseat belt
deployment. iNotallairbagsaredeployedinanacci-
dent. The different air bag systems work
independently of each other.

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year of production from: 2015

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