owners manual Mercedes GLC
owners manual Mercedes GLC - year of production: 2015 - Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes GLC, year of production 2015:
Occupantsafety 57
Devices and air bags ing lamp lights up.
Important safety notes Only in rare cases will the bang affect your
hearing. The powder that is released gener-
GWARNING ally doesnotconstituteahealthhazard,butit
The air bag parts are hot after an air bag hasmaycauseshort-termbreathingdifficultiesin
been deployed. There is a risk of injury.peoplewithasthmaorotherrespiratoryprob-
Donottouchtheairbagparts. Have alems.Toavoidthis,youmaywishtogetoutofSafety
deployed air bag replaced at a qualified spe-thevehicleoropenthewindowsassoonasit
cialist workshop as soon as possible.is safe to do so.
GWARNING ing Devices(ETDs)containperchloratemate-
Adeployed air bag no longer offers any pro-rial, which may require special handling and
tection and cannot provide the intended pro-regard for the environment. National guide-
tection in an accident. There is an increasedlines must be observed during disposal. In
risk of injury. California, see www.dtsc.ca.gov/
ist workshop in order to have a deployed air
bag replaced. Methodofoperation
It is important for your safety and that of yourDuring the first stage of a collision, the
andtohaveanymalfunctioning air bagstant physical data relating to vehicle deceler-
repaired. This will help to make sure the airation or acceleration, such as:
bags continue to perform their protectiveRduration
function for the vehicle occupants in the
event of a crash. Rdirection
GWARNING Rintensity
Based on the evaluation of this data, the
Pyrotechnic Emergency Tensioning Devicesrestraint system control unit triggers the
that have beendeployedarenolongeropera-EmergencyTensioningDevicesduringafron-
tional and are unable to perform their inten-tal or rear collision.
dedprotective function. This poses anAnEmergencyTensioningDevicecanonlybe
increased risk of injury or even fatal injury.triggered, if:
Therefore, have pyrotechnic Emergency Ten-
sioning Devices which have been triggeredRtheignition is switched on
immediately replaced at a qualified specialistRthecomponentsoftherestraintsystemare
workshop. operational;see"Restraintsystemwarning
lamp" (Y page 43)
Anelectric motor is used by PRE-SAFE® toRthebelttongueisengagedinthebuckleon
trigger the tightening of the seat belt in haz-the respective front-passenger seat
ardous situations. This procedure is reversi-The Emergency Tensioning Devices in the
ble. rear compartment are triggered independ-
If Emergency Tensioning Devices are trig-ently of the lock status of the seat belts.
geredorairbagsaredeployed,youwillhearaIf the restraint system control unit detects a

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year of production from: 2015

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Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual
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