owners manual Mercedes GLC
owners manual Mercedes GLC - year of production: 2015 - Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes GLC, year of production 2015:
Children in the vehicle 61
In addition, they may operate vehicle equip-Special seat belt retractor
an accident and injury.
Whenleaving the vehicle, always take theIf the seat belt is released while driving, the
SmartKeywithyouandlockthevehicle.Neverchild restraint system will no longer be
leave children unsupervised in the vehicle.securedproperly.Thespecialseatbeltretrac-
tor is disabled and the inertia real draws in a
GWARNING portion of the seat belt. The seat belt cannotSafety
If persons, particularly children are subjectedbe immediately refastened. There is an
to prolonged exposure to extreme heat orincreased risk of injury, possibly even fatal.
cold, there is a risk of injury, possibly evenStop the vehicle immediately, paying atten-
fatal. Never leave children unattended in thetion to road and traffic conditions. Reactivate
vehicle. the special seat belt retractor and secure the
child restraint system properly.
GWARNING All seat belts in the vehicle, except the driv-
If the child restraint system is subjected toer'sseatbelt,areequippedwithaspecialseat
direct sunlight, parts may get very hot. Chil-belt retractor. When activated, the special
dren may burn themselves on these parts,seat belt retractor ensures that the seat belt
particularly on the metal parts of the childcannotslackenoncethechildseatissecured.
restraint system. There is a risk of injury.Installing a child restraint system:
If you leave the vehicle, taking the child withXMakesureyouobservethechildrestraint
you, always ensure that the child restraintsystemmanufacturer'sinstallationinstruc-
tect it with a blanket, for example. If the child
restraint system has been exposed to directXPull the seat belt smoothly from the belt
sunlight, let it cool down before securing theoutlet.
child in it. Never leave children unattended inXEngageseatbelttongueinbelt buckle.
the vehicle. Activating the special seat belt retractor:
their seat belts fastenedcorrectlyandaresit-reel retract it again.
ting properly. Particular attention must beWhiletheseatbeltisretracting,youshould
paid to children. hear a ratcheting sound. The special seat
Observe the safety notes on the seat beltbelt retractor is enabled.
(Y page 44) and the notes on correct use ofXPushthechildrestraint system down so
seat belts (Y page 45). that the seat belt is tight and does not
Abooster seat may be necessary to achieveloosen.
proper seat belt positioning for children over
a three-point seat belt can be properly fas-
tened without a booster seat.

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year of production from: 2015

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