owners manual Mercedes GLC
owners manual Mercedes GLC - year of production: 2015 - Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes GLC, year of production 2015:
Driving safety systems 69
There is a risk of an accident. Recognition by the camera system is also
Always pay careful attention to the traffic sit-impaired in the event of:
uation and be ready to brake. Terminate theRdirt on the camera or if the camera is cov-
intervention in a non-critical driving situation.ered
GWARNING Rthereis glare on the camera system, e.g.
from the sun being low in the sky
ple, this is especially the case if they are mov-Rif: Safety
ing. BAS PLUS cannot intervene in these-pedestrians move quickly, e.g. into the
cases. There is a risk of an accident.path of the vehicle
Always pay careful attention to the traffic sit--the camerasystemnolongerrecognizes
uation and be ready to brake. a pedestrian as a person due to special
GWARNING clothing or other objects
BASPLUSdoesnotreact: -a pedestrian is concealed by other
Rtosmallpeople, e.g. children -the typical outline of a person is not dis-
Rtoanimals tinguishable from the background
Rtooncomingvehicles Followingdamagetothefrontendofthevehi-
Rwhencornering cle, have the configuration and operation of
Asaresult,BASPLUSmaynotinterveneinallthe radar sensors checked at a qualified spe-
critical situations. There is a risk of an acci-cialist workshop. This also applies to colli-
dent. sions at low speeds where there is no visible
Always pay careful attention to the traffic sit-damagetothefront of the vehicle.
uation and be ready to brake. Followingdamagetothewindshield,havethe
configuration and operation of the camera
In the eventofsnowfallorheavyrain,therec-systemcheckedataqualifiedspecialistwork-
ognition can be impaired. shop.
Recognition by the radar sensor system isFunction
also impaired in the event of:
RthereisdirtonthesensorsoranythingelseToavoidacollision, BAS PLUS calculates the
covering the sensors brake force necessary if:
Rtherearestrong radar reflections, forRBASPLUShasdetectedariskofcollision
example in parking garages Whendrivingataspeedunder20mph
Ranarrowvehicle traveling in front, e.g. a(30 km/h): if you depress the brake pedal,
motorbike BASPLUSisactivated.Theincreaseinbrake
Ravehicletravelinginfrontonadifferentlinepressure will be carried out at the last possi-
Rvehiclesquickly moving into the radar sen-ble moment.
sor system detection range Whendrivingataspeedabove20mph
(30 km/h): if you depress the brake pedal
sharply, BAS PLUS automatically raises the
fic situation.

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year of production from: 2015

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Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual
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