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owners manual Mercedes GLC

owners manual Mercedes GLC - year of production: 2015 - Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual EN

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text version of content this owner's manual page from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes GLC, year of production 2015:
Driving safety systems 71 If COLLISION PREVENTION ASSIST PLUS isFunction deactivated, the æ symbol appears in theStarting at a speed of approximately 4 mph assistance graphics display. (7 km/h), the distance warning function Distance warning function warnsyouifyourapidlyapproachavehiclein front. An intermittent warning tone will then General information sound, and the ·distance warning lamp Thedistancewarningfunctioncanhelpyoutowill light up in the instrument cluster.Safety minimize the risk of a front-end collision withXBrakeimmediatelyinordertoincreasethe avehicle ahead or reduce the effects of suchdistance from the vehicle in front. a collision. If the distance warning functionor detects that there is a risk of a collision, youXTakeevasiveaction,provideditissafetodo will be warned visually and acoustically.so. Important safety notes Duetothenatureofthesystem, particularly iObservethe"Importantsafetynotes"sec-complicated but non-critical driving condi- tion for driving safety systems (Y page 67).tions may also cause the system to display a warning. GWARNING Withthehelpoftheradarsensorsystem,the Thedistancewarningfunctiondoesnotreact:distance warning function can detect obsta- Rtopeopleoranimals cles that are in the path of your vehicle for an extended period of time. Rtooncomingvehicles Uptoaspeedofapproximately44mph Rtocrossing traffic (70km/h),thedistancewarningfunctioncan Rwhencornering also react to stationary obstacles, such as Thus, the distance warning function cannotstopped or parked vehicles. provide a warning in all critical situations. There is a risk of an accident. Autonomousbrakingfunction Always pay careful attention to the traffic sit-If the driver does not react to the distance uation and be ready to brake. warning signal in a critical situation, COLLI- GWARNING SIONPREVENTIONASSISTPLUScanassist The distance warning function cannot alwayswith the autonomous braking function. clearly identify objects and complex trafficThe autonomous braking function: situations. Rgivesthedriver more time to react to criti- In such cases, the distance warning functioncal driving situations may: Rcanhelpthedriver to avoid an accident or Rgiveanunnecessarywarning Rreducestheeffects of an accident Rnotgiveawarning Vehicles without DISTRONIC PLUS: the There is a risk of an accident. autonomousbraking function is available in Always pay careful attention to the traffic sit-the following speed ranges: uation and do not rely solely on the distanceR4-65mph(7-105km/h)formoving warning function. objects R4-31mph(7-50km/h)forstationary objects Z
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year of production from: 2015

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