owners manual Mercedes GLC
owners manual Mercedes GLC - year of production: 2015 - Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes GLC, year of production 2015:
68 Driving safety systems
Braking BASPLUS(BrakeAssistSystem
XIfABSintervenes:continuetodepressthePLUS)withCross-Traffic Assist
brakepedalvigorouslyuntilthebrakingsit-General information
uation is over. BASPLUScanhelpyoutominimizetheriskof
XTomakeafullbrakeapplication: a collision with a vehicle or a pedestrian and
depress the brake pedal with full force.reduce the effects of such a collision. If BAS
SafetyIf ABSinterveneswhenbraking,youwillfeelaPLUSdetects a danger of collision, you are
pulsing in the brake pedal. assisted when braking.
The pulsating brake pedal can be an indica-iPayattentiontotheimportantsafety
tion of hazardous road conditions, and func-notes in the "Driving safety systems" sec-
tions as a reminder to take extra care whiletion (Y page 67).
BASPLUSisonlyavailable on vehicles with
the Driving Assistance package.
BAS(BrakeAssistSystem) For BASPLUStoassistyouwhendriving,the
General information radar sensor system and the camera system
BASoperates in emergency braking situa-With the help of a sensor system and a cam-
tions. If you depress the brake pedal quickly,era system, BAS PLUS can detect obstacles:
BASautomatically boosts the braking force,
thus shortening the stopping distance.Rthat are in the path of your vehicle for an
extended period of time
Important safety notes Rthat cross the path of your vehicle
Observethe"Importantsafetynotes"sec-In addition, pedestrians in the path of your
i vehicle can be detected.
tion ( BASPLUSdetectspedestrians by using typi-
GWARNING cal characteristics such as the body contours
If BAS is malfunctioning, the braking distanceand posture of a person standing upright.
in an emergency braking situation isIf the radar sensor system or the camera sys-
increased. There is a risk of an accident.temis malfunctioning, BAS PLUS functions
In an emergency braking situation, depressare restricted or no longer available. The
the brake pedal with full force. ABS preventsbrake system is still available with complete
the wheels from locking. brake boosting effect and BAS.
iObservetherestrictions described in the
Braking "Important safety notes" sec-
XKeepthebrakepedalfirmlydepresseduntiltion“ (Y page 68).
the emergency braking situation is over.Important safety notes
ABSprevents the wheels from locking.
The brakes will function as usual once youGWARNING
release the brake pedal. BAS is deactivated.BASPLUScannotalwaysclearly identify
objects and complex traffic situations.
In such cases, BAS PLUS may:
Rintervene unnecessarily

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year of production from: 2015

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Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual
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