owners manual Mercedes GLC
owners manual Mercedes GLC - year of production: 2015 - Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes GLC, year of production 2015:
72 Driving safety systems
VehicleswithDISTRONICPLUS:theauton-If the autonomousbrakingfunctionrequiresa
omousbrakingfunctionisavailableinthefol-particularly high braking force, preventative
lowing speed ranges: passengerprotectionmeasures(PRE-SAFE®)
R4-124mph(7-200km/h)formoving are activated simultaneously (Y page 59). On
objects vehicleswiththeDrivingAssistancepackage,
preventive passenger protection measures
R4-31mph(7-50km/h)forstationary (PRE-SAFE®PLUS)aretriggered(Ypage59).
SafetyDuetothenatureofthesystem,particularlyXKeepthebrakepedaldepresseduntil the
complicated but non-critical driving condi-emergency braking situation is over.
tions may also cause the Autonomous Brak-ABSprevents the wheels from locking.
ing Function to intervene. The brakes will work normally again if:
If the autonomousbrakingfunctionrequiresaRyourelease the brake pedal.
particularly high braking force, preventativeRthereisnolongeranydangerofacollision.
are activated simultaneously (Y page 59).Rnoobstacleis detected in front of your
Adaptive Brake Assist Adaptive Brake Assist is then deactivated.
General information Important safety notes
Ypage67). tion for driving safety systems (Y page 67).
tion (
With the help of adaptive Brake Assist, theGWARNING
distance warning signal can detect obstaclesAdaptive Brake Assist cannot always clearly
that are in the path of your vehicle for anidentify objects and complex traffic situa-
extended period of time. tions.
If adaptive Brake Assist detects a risk of col-In such cases, Adaptive Brake Assist can:
lision with the vehicle in front, it calculatesRintervene unnecessarily
the braking force necessary to avoid a colli-Rnotintervene
sion. If you apply the brakes forcefully, adap-There is a risk of an accident.
tive Brake Assist will automatically increaseAlways pay careful attention to the traffic sit-
the braking force to a level suitable for theuation and be ready to brake. Terminate the
traffic conditions. intervention in a non-critical driving situation.
tance in hazardous situations at speedsGWARNING
above 4 mph (7 km/h). It uses radar sensorAdaptive Brake Assist does not react:
technology to assess the traffic situation.
Uptoaspeedofapproximately155mph Rtopeopleoranimals
of reacting to moving objects that haveRtocrossing traffic
already been detected as such at least onceRwhencornering
over the period of observation. Asaresult,theAdaptiveBrakeAssistmaynot
Uptoaspeedofapproximately44mph intervene in all critical conditions. There is a
(70 km/h), adaptive Brake Assist reacts torisk of an accident.
stationary obstacles. Always pay careful attention to the traffic sit-
uation and be ready to brake.

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year of production from: 2015

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