owners manual Mercedes GLC
owners manual Mercedes GLC - year of production: 2015 - Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes GLC, year of production 2015:
70 Driving safety systems
ardoussituationswithvehiclesinfrontwithindetects that there is a risk of a collision, you
a speed range between 4 mph (7 km/h) andwill bewarnedvisuallyandacoustically.Ifyou
155mph(250km/h). donotreacttothevisualandaudiblecollision
At speeds of up to approximately 44 mphwarning,autonomousbrakingcanbeinitiated
(70 km/h), BAS PLUS can react to: in critical situations. If you apply the brake
yourself in a critical situation, the COLLISION
Rstationary objects in the path of your vehi-PREVENTIONASSISTPLUSadaptiveBrake
Safetycle, e.g. stopped or parked vehiclesAssist assists you.
Rpedestrians in the path of your vehicle
Robjects crossing your path and that areImportant safety notes
recognized in the detection range of theIn particular, the detection of obstacles can
sensors be impaired if:
braking force, preventative passenger pro-Rthereisdirtonthesensorsoranythingelse
tection measures (PRE-SAFE® PLUS) arecovering the sensors
activated simultaneously (Y page 59).Rthere is snow or heavy rain
XKeepthebrakepedaldepresseduntil theRthereisinterferencebyotherradarsources
emergency braking situation is over.Rthere are strong radar reflections, for
ABSprevents the wheels from locking.example in parking garages
BASPLUSisdeactivatedandthebrakesfunc-Ranarrowvehicle traveling in front, e.g. a
tion as usual again, if: motorbike
Ryourelease the brake pedal. RnewvehiclesorafteraserviceontheCOL-
Rthere is no longer a risk of collision.LISION PREVENTIONASSISTPLUSsystem
Rnoobstacleis detected in front of yourObserve the important safety notes in the
vehicle. "Breaking-in notes" section (
Ryoudepresstheaccelerator pedal Followingdamagetothefrontendofthevehi-
Ryouactivate kickdown. cle, have the configuration and operation of
the radar sensor checked at a qualified spe-
COLLISIONPREVENTIONASSIST cialist workshop. This also applies to colli-
PLUS sions at low speeds where there is no visible
damagetothefront of the vehicle.
General information Switching on/off
tion ( automatically active after switching on the
sists of a distance warning function with anYoucanactivate or deactivate COLLISION
autonomous braking function and adaptivePREVENTIONASSISTPLUSintheon-board
Brake Assist. computer (Y page 252). When deactivated,
COLLISIONPREVENTIONASSISTPLUScan the distance warning function and the auton-
help you to minimize the risk of a front-endomousbrakingfunctionarealsodeactivated.
collision with a vehicle ahead or reduce the
effects of such a collision.

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year of production from: 2015

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