owners manual Mercedes GLC
owners manual Mercedes GLC - year of production: 2015 - Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes GLC, year of production 2015:
Children in the vehicle 65
Youcanthusavoidtherisks that could ariseAlways observe the child restraint system
as a result of: manufacturer's installation and operating
Ranincorrectly categorized person in theinstructions.
front-passenger seat
Rtheunintentional deactivation of the front-Child-proof locks y
passenger front air bag
Rtheunsuitable positioning of the childImportant safety notes Safet
board If children are traveling in the vehicle, they
Rearward-facing child restraint systemcould:
If it is absolutely necessary to install a rear-Ropendoors,thusendangeringotherpeople
ward-facing child restraint system on theor road users
front-passenger seat, always make sure thatRexitthevehicleandbecaughtbyoncoming
the front-passenger front air bag is deactiva-traffic
ted. Only if the PASSENGER AIR BAG OFFRoperatevehicle equipment and become
indicator lamp is permanently lit (Y page 43)trapped
is the front-passenger front air bag deactiva-There is a risk of an accident and injury.
ted. Always activate the child-proof locks and
Always observe the child restraint systemoverridefeatureifchildrenaretravelinginthe
manufacturer's installation and operatingvehicle.Whenleavingthevehicle,alwaystake
instructions. the key with you and lock the vehicle. Never
leave children unattended in the vehicle.
Forward-facing child restraint systemOverride feature for:
If it is absolutely necessary to install a
forward-facing child restraint system on theRthereardoors(Ypage66)
front-passenger seat, always move the front-Rtherearside windows (Y page 66)
passenger seat as far back as possible. FullyGWARNING
retract the seat cushion length. The entireIf you leave children unsupervised in the vehi-
base of the child restraint system mustcle,theycouldsetitinmotionby,forexample:
always rest on the seat cushion of the front-
passenger seat. The backrest of the childRrelease the parking brake.
restraint system must lie as flat as possibleRshift the automatic transmission out of the
against the backrest of the front-passengerparking position P.
seat. The child restraint system must notRstart the engine.
touchtherooforbesubjectedtoaloadbytheIn addition, they may operate vehicle equip-
head restraint. Adjust the angle of the seatmentandbecometrapped.Thereisariskof
backrest and the head restraint positionan accident and injury.
accordingly.Alwaysmakesurethattheshoul-Whenleaving the vehicle, always take the
der belt strap is correctly routed from theSmartKeywithyouandlockthevehicle.Never
vehicle belt outlet to the shoulder belt guideleave children unsupervised in the vehicle.
onthechild restraint system. The shoulder
wards from the vehicle belt outlet. If neces-
sary, adjust the vehicle belt outlet and the
front-passenger seat accordingly.

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year of production from: 2015

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