owners manual Mercedes GLC
owners manual Mercedes GLC - year of production: 2015 - Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes GLC, year of production 2015:
Occupantsafety 53
Makesurethatthefront-passenger front airremains lit. This indicates that the front-
bag has been disabled. The PASSENGER AIRpassenger front air bag is deactivated.
BAGOFFindicator lamp must be lit.Rthefront-passenger seat is occupied by a
If the PASSENGER AIR BAG OFF indicatorchildofuptotwelvemonthsold,inastand-
BAGONindicatorlamplightsup,donotinstallAIR BAG OFF indicator lamp lights up after
a rearward-facing child restraint system onthe system self-test and remains lit. This
the front-passenger seat. You can find moreindicates that the front-passenger front airSafety
informationonOCSunder"Problemswiththebag is deactivated.
Occupant Classification System" But even in the case of a twelve-month-old
(Y page 56). child, in a standard child restraint system,
GWARNING permanentlyafterthesystemself-test.This
If you secure a child in a forward-facing childindicates that the front-passenger front air
restraint system on the front-passenger seatbag is activated. The result of the classifi-
andyoupositionthefront-passengerseattoocation is dependent on, among other fac-
close to the dashboard, in the event of antors, the child restraint system and the
accident, the child could: child's stature. It is recommended that you
install the child restraint system on a suit-
Rcomeintocontactwiththevehicle's inte-able rear seat.
rior if the PASSENGER AIR BAG OFF indi-Rthefront-passenger seat is occupied by a
cator lamp is lit, for example person of smaller stature (e.g. a teenager
RbestruckbytheairbagifthePASSENGERor small adult), either the PASSENGER AIR
This poses an increased risk of injury or evencator lamp lights up and remains lit after
fatal injury. the system self-test depending on the
Always move the front-passenger seat as farresult of the classification.
back as possible and fully retract the seat-If the PASSENGERAIRBAGONindicator
cushion length. Always make sure that thelamplightsup,movethefront-passenger
shoulder belt strap is correctly routed fromseat as far back as possible. Alterna-
the vehicle belt sash guide to the shouldertively, a person of smaller stature can sit
belt guide on the child restraint system. Theonarearseat.
shoulder belt strap must be routed forwards-If thePASSENGERAIRBAGOFFindicator
and downwards from the vehicle belt sashlamp is lit, a person of smaller stature
guide. If necessary, adjust the vehicle beltshouldnotusethefront-passengerseat.
sash guide and the front-passenger seatRthefront-passenger seat is occupied by an
accordingly. Always observe the childadult or a person of adult stature, the
restraint system manufacturer's installationPASSENGERAIRBAGONindicatorlamp
instructions. lights up after the system self-test and
If OCS determines that: remains lit. This indicates that the front-
passenger front air bag is activated.
Rthefront-passengerseatisunoccupied,theIf children are traveling in the vehicle, be sure
PASSENGERAIRBAGOFFindicatorlamp to observe the notes on "Children in the vehi-
lights up after the system self-test andcle" (Y page 60).
WhenOCSismalfunctioning, the red 6
restraint system warning lamp in the instru-

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