owners manual Mercedes GLC
owners manual Mercedes GLC - year of production: 2015 - Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes GLC, year of production 2015:
54 Occupantsafety
mentcluster and the PASSENGER AIR BAGnotbedeployedintheeventofanaccident.In
OFFindicator lamp light up simultaneously.this case, the front-passenger front air bag
Thefront-passenger front air bag is deactiva-cannot perform its intended protective func-
tedinthiscaseanddoesnotdeployduringantion, e.g. when a personisseatedinthefront-
accident. Have the system checked by quali-passenger seat.
fied technicians as soon as possible. ConsultThat person could, for example, come into
an authorized Mercedes-Benz Center. Thecontact with the vehicle's interior, especially
Safetyfront-passenger seat should only be repairedif the person is sitting too close to the dash-
at an authorized Mercedes-Benz Center.board.Thisposesanincreasedriskofinjuryor
If the front-passenger seat, the seat cover oreven fatal injury.
the seat cushion is damaged, have the nec-Whenthefront-passenger seat is occupied,
essary repair work carried out at an author-always ensure that:
ized Mercedes-Benz Center.
For safety reasons, Mercedes-Benz recom-Rtheclassificationofthepersoninthefront-
mendsthatyouonlyuseseataccessoriespassenger seat is correct and the front-
that have been approved by Mercedes-Benz.passenger front air bag is enabled or disa-
If the driver's air bag deploys, this does notbled in accordance with the person in the
meanthatthefront-passenger front air bagfront-passenger seat
will also deploy. The Occupant ClassificationRthepersonisseatedproperly with a cor-
System(OCS)categorizestheoccupantintherectly fastened seatbelt
front-passenger seat. Depending on thatRthefront-passenger seat has been moved
result, the front-passenger front air bag isback as far back as possible
either enabled or deactivated. If the PASSENGER AIR BAG OFF indicator
Systemself-test passenger seat may not be used. Do not
GDANGER install a child restraint system on the front-
passenger seat. Have the Occupant Classifi-
If both the PASSENGER AIR BAG OFF andcation System (OCS) checked and repaired
PASSENGERAIRBAGONindicatorlampsdoimmediately at a qualified specialist work-
not light up during the system self-test, theshop.
system is malfunctioning. The front-
passenger front air bag might be triggeredGWARNING
unintentionallyormightnotbetriggeredatallObjects between the seat surface and the
in the event of an accident with high deceler-child restraint system could affect OCS oper-
ation. This posesanincreasedriskofinjuryoration. This could result in the front-passenger
even fatal injury. air bag not functioning as intended during an
In this case the front-passenger seat may notaccident. This poses an increased risk of
beused.Donotinstallachildrestraintsysteminjury or even fatal injury.
onthefront-passenger seat. Have the Occu-Donotplaceanyobjects between the seat
pant Classification System (OCS) checkedsurface and the child restraint system. The
and repaired immediately at a qualified spe-entire base of the child restraint system must
cialist workshop. always rest on the seat cushion of the front-
GDANGER passenger seat. The backrest of the forward-
facing child restraint system must, as far as
If the PASSENGER AIR BAG OFF indicatorpossible, be resting on the backrest of the

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year of production from: 2015

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