owners manual Mercedes GLC
owners manual Mercedes GLC - year of production: 2015 - Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes GLC, year of production 2015:
382 Tire pressure
underinflation has not reached the level toThe tire pressure monitor is not able to warn
trigger illumination of the TPMS low tire pres-you of a sudden loss of pressure, e.g. if the
sure telltale. tire is penetrated by a foreign object. In the
Your vehicle has also been equipped with aevent of a sudden loss of pressure, bring the
TPMSmalfunction indicator to indicate whenvehicle to a halt by braking carefully. Avoid
the system is not operating properly. Theabrupt steering movements.
TPMSmalfunctionindicatoriscombinedwithThe tire pressure monitor has a yellow warn-
the low tire pressure telltale. When the sys-ing lamp in the instrument cluster for indicat-
temdetects a malfunction, the warning lamping pressure loss or a malfunction. Whether
will flash for approximately a minute and thenthe warning lamp flashes or lights up indi-
remain continuously illuminated. Thiscateswhetheratirepressureistooloworthe
sequencewillberepeatedeverytimethevehi-tire pressure monitor is malfunctioning:
cle is started as long as the malfunctionRif the warning lamp is lit continuously, the
exists. When the malfunction indicator is illu-tire pressure on one or more tires is signif-
or signal low tire pressure as intended.not malfunctioning.
TPMSmalfunctionsmayoccurforavarietyofRif the warning lamp flashes for around a
reasons, including the installation of incom-minuteandthenremainslitconstantly,the
patible replacement or alternate tires ortire pressure monitor is malfunctioning.
reswheels on the vehicle that prevent the TPMSIn addition to the warning lamp, a message
i from functioning properly. Always check the
t TPMSmalfunctiontelltale after replacing oneappearsinthemultifunctiondisplay.Observe
or more tires or wheels on your vehicle tothe information on display messages
andensurethatthereplacementoralternateTires(Y page 285).
and wheels allow the TPMS to continue toIt may take up to ten minutes for a malfunc-
function properly. tion of the tire pressure monitor to be indica-
WheelsIt is the driver's responsibility to set the tirepressure warning lamp flashing for approx-
pressure to that recommended for cold tiresimately one minute and then remaining lit.
which is suitable for the operating situationWhenthemalfunctionhasbeenrectified,the
(Y page 377). Note that the correct tire pres-tire pressure warning lamp goes out after a
sure for the current operating situation mustfew minutes of driving.
first be taught-in to the tire pressure monitor.The tire pressure values indicated by the on-
If there is a substantial loss of pressure, theboardcomputermaydifferfromthosemeas-
warningthresholdforthewarningmessageisured at a gas station with a pressure gauge.
aligned to the reference values taught-in.The tire pressures shown by the on-board
Restartthetirepressuremonitorafteradjust-computer refer to those measured at sea
ing the pressure of the cold tireslevel. At high altitudes, the tire pressure val-
(Y page 383). The current pressures areuesindicated by a pressure gauge are higher
saved as new reference values. As a result, athanthoseshownbytheon-boardcomputer.
warning message will appear if the tire pres-In this case, do not reduce the tire pressures.
sure drops significantly. Theoperationofthetirepressuremonitorcan
The tire pressure monitor does not warn yoube affected by interference from radio trans-
of an incorrectly set tire pressure. Observemitting equipment (e.g. radio headphones,
the notes on the recommended tire pressuretwo-way radios) that may be being operated
(Y page 377). in or near the vehicle.

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year of production from: 2015

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