owners manual Mercedes GLC
owners manual Mercedes GLC - year of production: 2015 - Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes GLC, year of production 2015:
Tire pressure 381
Checkingtire pressures manually
To determine and set the correct tire pres-
sure, proceed as follows:
be checked.
the valve.
XReadthetirepressure and compare it to
the recommended value on the Tire and
Loading Information placard or the tireForinformationonthemessagedisplay,refer
pressure table (Y page 377). to the "Checking the tire pressure electroni-
XIf the tire pressure is too low, increase thecally" section (Y page 383).
tire pressure to the recommended value.
XIf the tire pressure is too high, release air.Important safety notes
To do so, press down the metal pin in the
valve, using the tip of a pen for example.GWARNING
Then check the tire pressure again usingEach tire, including the spare (if provided),
the tire pressure checker. should be checked at least once every twoes
XScrewthevalvecapontothevalve. weekswhencoldandinflatedtothepressureir
XRepeatthesestepsfortheother tires.recommendedbythevehiclemanufacturert
ontheTire and Loading Information placard
onthedriver's door B-pillar or the tire pres-and
Tire pressure monitor surelabelontheinsideofthefuelfillerflap.If
General notes your vehicle has tires of a different size than
the size indicated on the Tire and Loading
If a tire pressuremonitorisinstalled,thevehi-Information placard or, if available, the tireWheels
cle's wheels have sensors that monitor thepressure label, you should determine the
tire pressures in all four tires. The tire pres-proper tire pressure for those tires.
sure monitor warns you if the pressure dropsAsanaddedsafetyfeature, your vehicle has
in one or more of the tires. The tire pressurebeenequippedwithatirepressuremonitoring
monitor only functions if the correspondingsystem(TPMS)thatilluminatesalowtirepres-
sensors are installed in all wheels.sure telltale when one or more of your tires
Information on tire pressures is displayed inare significantly underinflated. Accordingly,
themultifunctiondisplay.Afterafewminuteswhenthelowtire pressure telltale lights up,
of driving, the current tire pressure of eachyoushouldstopandcheckyourtiresassoon
tire is shownintheServicemenuofthemul-as possible, and inflate them to the proper
tifunction display; see illustration (example).pressure. Driving on a significantly underin-
flated tire causes the tire to overheat and can
lead to tire failure.
Underinflation also reduces fuel efficiency
the TPMS is not a substitute for proper tire
maintenance, and it is the driver's responsi-
bility to maintain correct tire pressure, eve

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Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual
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