owners manual Mercedes GLC
owners manual Mercedes GLC - year of production: 2015 - Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes GLC, year of production 2015:
Tire pressure 379
numbersofoccupants and amounts of lug-If you are unable to rectify the damage, con-
gage. The actual number of seats may differ.tact a qualified specialist workshop.
If you fit unsuitable accessories onto tire
valves, the tire valves may be overloaded and
malfunction, which can cause tire pressure
loss. Due to their design, retrofitted tire pres-
sure monitors keep the tire valve open. This
risk of an accident.
Only screw the standard valve cap or other
Sometire pressure tables show only the rimvalve caps approved by Mercedes-Benz for
diameters instead of the full tire size, e.g.your vehicle onto the tire valve.
R18. The rim diameter is part of the tire sizeUseasuitable pressure gauge to check the
and can be found on the tire sidewalltire pressure. The outer appearance of a tire
Ypage389). doesnotpermitanyreliableconclusionabout
If the tire pressures have been set to thethe tire pressure. On vehicles equipped with
lower values for lighter loads and/or lowerthe electronic tire pressure monitor, the tireres
roadspeeds,thepressuresshouldberesettopressure can be checked in the on-boardti
the higher values: computer. d
Rif you want to drive with an increased loadThe tire temperature and pressure increasean
and/or whenthevehicleisinmotion.Thisisdepend-s
ent on the driving speed and the load.l
Rif you want to drive at higher road speedsTherefore, you should only correct tire pres-
Thetirepressuresforincreasedloadsand/orsures when the tires are cold.Whee
higher road speeds, shown in the tire pres-The tires are cold:
ing comfort. Rifthevehiclehasbeenparkedwiththetires
If the tire pressure is not set correctly, thisout of direct sunlight for at least three
canleadtoanexcessivebuildupofheatandhours and
a sudden loss of pressure. Rif the vehicle has not been driven further
Formoreinformation,contactaqualifiedspe-than 1 mile (1.6 km)
cialist workshop. The tire temperature changes depending on
the outside temperature, the vehicle speed
and the tire load. If the tire temperature
Important notes on tire pressure changes by 18 ‡ (10 †), the tire pressure
GWARNING changes by approximately 10 kPa (0.1 bar/
1.5 psi). Take this into account when check-
If the tire pressure drops repeatedly, theing the pressure of warm tires. Only correct
wheel, valve or tire may be damaged. Tirethetirepressureifitistoolowforthecurrent
pressure that is too low may result in a tireoperating conditions. If you check the tire
blow-out. There is a risk of an accident.pressure whenthetiresarewarm,theresult-
RCheckthetirefor foreign objects.ing value will be higher than if the tires were
RCheckwhetherthewheelislosingairorthecold. This is normal. Do not reduce the tire
valve is leaking.

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year of production from: 2015

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Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual
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