owners manual Mercedes GLC
owners manual Mercedes GLC - year of production: 2015 - Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes GLC, year of production 2015:
384 Loading the vehicle
XPresstheabutton. steering and driving characteristics and lead
Thecurrenttire pressure for each wheel orto brake failure. There is a risk of accident.
theTire pressure will be displayedObserve the load rating of the tires. The load
after driving a few minutesmessagerating must be at least half of the GAWR of
will be displayed in the multifunction dis-your vehicle. Never overload the tires by
play. exceeding the maximum load.
The Use Current Pressures as New Twoinstruction labels on your vehicle show
Reference Values message appears inthe maximum possible load.
the multifunction display. (1) TheTireandLoadingInformationplacard
If you wish to confirm the restart: is on the B-pillar on the driver's side. The
XPresstheabutton. Tire and Loading Information placard
The Tire Press. Monitor Restarted showsthemaximumpermissiblenumber
messageappearsinthemultifunction dis-of occupants and the maximum permis-
play. sible vehicle load. It also contains details
After driving for a few minutes, the systemof the tire sizes and corresponding pres-
checks whether the current tire pressuressures for tires mounted at the factory.
arewithinthespecifiedrange.Thenewtire(2) The vehicle identification plate is on the
pressures are then accepted as referenceB-pillar on the driver's side. The vehicle
values and monitored. identification plate informs you of the
tiresIf you wish to cancel the restart:grossvehicleweightrating.Itismadeup
of the vehicle weight, all vehicle occu-
andXPressthe%button. pants, the fuel and the cargo. You can
The tire pressure values stored at the lastalsofindinformationaboutthemaximum
restart will continue to be monitored.gross axle weight rating on the front and
rear axle.
WheelsRadio type approval for the tire pres-Themaximumgrossaxleweightratingis
sure monitor the maximumweightthatcanbecarried
by one axle (front or rear axle). Never
Country Radio type approval number exceed the maximum load or the maxi-
mumgrossaxleweightrating for the
USA FCCID:MRXMW2433A front or rear axle.
Canada IC: 2546A-MW2433A
IC: 2546A-GG4
IC: 2546A-MC34MA4
Loading the vehicle
Instruction labels for tires and loads
GWARNING :B-pillar, driver's side
Overloaded tires can overheat, causing a

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year of production from: 2015

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Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual
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