owners manual Mercedes GLC
owners manual Mercedes GLC - year of production: 2015 - Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes GLC, year of production 2015:
Tire pressure 383
Checkingthetire pressure electroni- the tire pressure in at least one tire has
cally dropped suddenly. The tires must be
2intheignition lock (Y page 153).Observe the instructions and safety notes in
XUseòonthesteeringwheeltocallup the display messages in the "Tires" section
the list of menus. (Y page 285).
XPress9or:onthesteeringwheel If the wheel positions on the vehicle are rota-
to select the Service menu. ted, the tire pressures may be displayed for
XPresstheabutton. the wrong positions for a short time. This is
rectified after a few minutes of driving, and
XPress9or:toselectTire Pres‐ thetirepressuresaredisplayedforthecor-
sure. rect positions.
XPresstheabutton. Restarting the tire pressure monitor
The current tire pressure of each tire is
showninthemultifunction display.Whenyourestartthetirepressuremonitor,all
If the vehicle was parked for longer thanexisting warning messages are deleted and
20minutes, the following message appears:the warning lamps go out. The monitor uses
Tire pressure will be displayed the currently set tire pressures as the refer-
after driving a few minutes. encevaluesformonitoring.Inmostcases,thees
After a teach-in process, the tire pressuretire pressure monitor will automaticallyir
monitorautomatically detects new wheels ordetect the new reference values after yout
newsensors. As long as a clear allocation ofhavechangedthetirepressure.However,you
the tire pressure value to the individualcanalsodefine reference values manually asand
wheels is not possible, the Tire Pressuredescribed here. The tire pressure monitor
Monitor Active message is shown insteadthen monitors the new tire pressure values.
ofthetirepressuredisplay.ThetirepressuresXSetthetire pressure to the value recom-
are already being monitored. mendedforthecorresponding driving sit-Wheels
Tire pressure monitor warning mes- uation on the Tire and Loading Information
sages placard on the driver's side
B-pillar (Y page 377).
If thetirepressuremonitordetectsapressureYoucanfind more tire pressure values for
loss in one or more tires, a warning messagevarious operating conditions in the tire
is showninthemultifunctiondisplay.Theyel-pressure table inside the fuel filler flap
lowtirepressurewarninglampthenlightsup.(Y page 377).
RIf the Please Correct Tire PressureXMakesurethatthetirepressure is correct
messageappearsinthemultifunction dis-onall four wheels.
play, the tire pressure in at least one tire isXMakesurethattheSmartKeyisinposition
too low. The tire pressure must be correc-2intheignition lock (Y page 153).
ted when the opportunity arises.XUseòonthesteeringwheeltocallup
RIftheCheck Tiresmessageappearsinthethe list of menus.
leastonetirehasdroppedsignificantly.Theto select the Service menu.
tires must be checked. XPresstheabutton.
RIf the Warning Tire Malfunction mes-XPress9or:toselectTire Pres‐
sage appears in the multifunction display,sure.

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year of production from: 2015

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