owners manual Mercedes GLC
owners manual Mercedes GLC - year of production: 2015 - Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes GLC, year of production 2015:
392 All about wheels and tires
Donotoverload the tires by exceeding theTiretypecode:tiretypecode?canbeused
specified load limit. The maximum permissi-by the manufacturer as a code to describe
bleloadcanbefoundonthevehicle'sTireandspecific characteristics of the tire.
the driver's side ( Aprovidesinformation about the age of a
iTheactualvaluesfortires are vehicle-tire. The first and second positions represent
specific andmaydeviatefromthevaluesinthe week of manufacture, starting with "01"
the illustration. for the first calendar week. Positions three
and four represent the year of manufacture.
DOT,Tire Identification Number (TIN)For example, a tire that is marked with
UStire regulations stipulate that every tire"3208", was manufactured in week 32 in
in or on the sidewall of each tire produced.iTiredataisvehicle-specificandmaydevi-
ate from the data in the example.
Tire characteristics
ers to inform purchasers of recalls and other
safety-relevant matters. It makes it possibleThis information describes the type of tire
for the purchaser to easily identify the affec-cord and the number of layers in sidewall :
ted tires. and under tire tread ;.
The TIN is made up of manufacturer identifi-iTiredataisvehicle-specificandmaydevi-
cationcode;,tiresize=,tiretypecode?ate from the data in the example.
and manufacturing date A.
DOT(DepartmentofTransportation): tireDefinition of terms for tires and loading
symbol :marksthatthetire complies withTire ply composition and material used
the requirements of the U.S. Department of
Transportation. Describes the number of plies or the number
Manufacturer identification code: manu-of layers of rubber-coated fabric in the tire
facturer identification code ; providestread and sidewall. These are made of steel,
details on the tire manufacturer. New tiresnylon, polyester and other materials.
have a code with two symbols. RetreadedBar
tires have a code with four symbols.Metricunitfortirepressure.14.5038pounds
Forfurtherinformationaboutretreadedtires,per square inch (psi) and 100 kilopascals
see ( (kPa) are the equivalent of 1 bar.

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year of production from: 2015

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