owners manual Mercedes GLC
owners manual Mercedes GLC - year of production: 2015 - Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes GLC, year of production 2015:
Tire pressure 377
videthebestpossiblegripinwintryroadcon-If you intend to mount snow chains, please
ditions. Only these tires will allow drivingbear the following points in mind:
safety systems such as ABS and ESP toRSnowchainsmaynotbemountedonall
function optimally in winter. These tires havewheel/tire combinations. Permissible
been developed specifically for driving inwheel-tire combinations (Y page 399).
snow. ROnlyusesnowchainswhendrivingon
UseM+Stiresofthesamemakeandtreadon roads completely covered by snow.
all wheels to maintain safe handling charac-Removethesnowchainsassoonaspossi-
teristics. ble when you come to a road that is not
Always observe the maximum permissiblesnow-covered.
speed specified for the M+S tires you haveRLocalregulations may restrict the use of
mounted. snowchains. Observe the appropriate reg-
WhenyouhavemountedtheM+Stires: ulations if you wish to mount snow chains.
XCheckthetirepressures (Y page 381).RDonotexceedthemaximumpermissible
XRestart the tire pressure monitor speed of 30 mph (50 km/h).
(Y page 383). ROnvehicleswith AIR BODY CONTROL, you
mustonly drive at raised vehicle level if
snowchains have been installed s
Snowchains (Y page 195).
GWARNING RWhensnowchainsareinstalled,neveruse tire
Active Parking Assist (Y page 201).
If snow chains are installed to the frontYoumaywishtodeactivate ESP® when pull-and
wheels, they may drag against the vehicleing away with snow chains installed:
body or chassis components. This could
cause damage to the vehicle or the tires.RAll vehicles (Y page 73)
There is a risk of an accident. Youcantherebyallowthewheelstospinina
To avoid hazardous situations: controlled manner, achieving an increasedWheels
driving force (cutting action).
Rneverinstall snow chains to the front
Ralwaysinstall snow chains in pairs to theTire pressure
rear wheels. Tire pressure specifications
For safety reasons, Mercedes-Benz recom-Important safety notes
byMercedes-Benz,orareofacorrespondingUnderinflated or overinflated tires pose the
standard of quality. For more information,following risks:
please contact a qualified specialist work-
shop. Rthetires may burst, especially as the load
and vehicle speed increase.
Rthetires may wear excessively and/or
unevenly, which may greatly impair tire
ing and braking, may be greatly impaired.

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year of production from: 2015

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Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual
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