owners manual Mercedes GLC
owners manual Mercedes GLC - year of production: 2015 - Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual EN
pdf (9.68 MB) 418 pages
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes GLC, year of production 2015:
Towingandtow-starting 369
XRemovethetowingeyefromtheleft-handAfter resetting the combination switch, the
stowagewellunderthecargocompartmenthazard warning lamp starts flashing again.
floor (Y page 355).
XPressthemarkoncover:inwardsand Transporting the vehicle
XScrewinthetowingeyeclockwiseasfaras4MATICvehicles/vehicles with auto-
it will go and tighten it. matic transmission
until it engages.
tool kit. nce
Towingavehiclewithbothaxleson ista
the ground Whenthevehicle is loaded for transport,a
The automatic transmission automatically!
shiftstopositionPwhenyouopenthedriver'sthe front and rear axles must be stationaryown
andonthesametransportation vehicle.d
or front-passenger door or when you removePositioningovertheconnectionpointofthek
the SmartKey from the ignition lock. In ordertransportvehicleisnotpermitted.Thedriveea
to ensure that the automatic transmissiontrain may otherwise be damaged.r
stays in position N when towing the vehicle, B
you must observe the following points:All vehicles
XTurntheSmartKeytoposition2intheigni-wheels, not by parts of the vehicle such as
tion lock. axle or steering components. Otherwise,
XDepressandholdthebrakepedal. the vehicle could be damaged.
XShift the automatic transmission to posi-The towing eye or trailer tow hitch can be
tion N. usedtopullthevehicleontoatrailerortrans-
XLeavetheSmartKeyinposition 2 in theporter if you wish to transport it.
ignition lock. XTurntheSmartKeytoposition2intheigni-
XReleasethebrakepedal. tion lock.
XReleasetheelectric parking brake. XShift the automatic transmission to posi-
XSwitchonthehazardwarninglamps tion N.
(Y page 127). Assoonasthevehiclehasbeenloaded:
In order to signal a change of direction whenXPrevent the vehicle from rolling away by
towing the vehicle with the hazard warningapplying the electric parking brake.
lamps switched on, use the combinationXShift the automatic transmission to posi-
switch as usual. In this case, only the indica-tion P.
tor lamps for the direction of travel flash.

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year of production from: 2015

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Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual
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