owners manual Mercedes GLC
owners manual Mercedes GLC - year of production: 2015 - Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes GLC, year of production 2015:
376 Winter operation
approximately á in (1.6 mm) has beenbe obtained from a qualified specialist work-
that it must be replaced.
Winter operation
Selecting, mounting and replacingGeneral notes
ROnlymounttiresandwheelsofthesame Haveyourvehicle winter-proofed at a quali-
type and make. fied specialist workshop at the onset of win-
Exception: it is permissible to install a dif-ter.
ferent type or make in the event of a flatObserve the notes in the "Changing a wheel"
tire. Observe the "MOExtended tires (tiressection (Y page 395).
with run-flat characteristics" section
(Y page 357). Driving with summer tires
ROnlymounttiresofthecorrect size onto
the wheels. Attemperaturesbelow45‡(+7†),summer
RBreakinnewtiresatmoderatespeedsfortires loseelasticityandthereforetractionand
s their full performance after this distance.cle to M+S tires. Using summer tires at very
RDonotdrivewithtireswhichhavetoolittlecold temperatures could cause cracks to
tiretread depth, as this significantly reducesform, thereby damaging the tires perma-
the traction on wet roads (hydroplaning).nently. Mercedes-Benz cannot accept
and responsibility for this type of damage.
RReplacethetires after six years at the lat-GWARNING
els est, regardless of wear.
Damagedtires can cause tire inflation pres-
WheMOExtendedtires(tires with run-flatsureloss.Asaresult,youcouldlosecontrolof
properties) your vehicle. There is a risk of accident.
Checkthetires regularly for signs of damage
With MOExtended tires (tires with run flatand replace any damaged tires immediately.
characteristics), you can continue to drive
your vehicle even if there is a total loss ofM+Stires
pressure in one or more tires.
MOExtendedtires may only be used in con-GWARNING
junction with an active tire pressure monitorM+Stires with a tire tread depth of less than
and only on wheels specifically tested byãin(4mm)arenotsuitableforuseinwinter
Mercedes-Benz. anddonotprovidesufficienttraction.Thereis
Notes on driving with MOExtended tires witha risk of an accident.
a flat tire (Y page 357). M+Stireswithatreaddepthoflessthanãin
VehiclesequippedwithMOExtendedtiresare(4 mm) must be replaced immediately.
It is therefore recommended that you addi-Attemperaturesbelow45‡(+7†),usewin-
tionally equip your vehicle with a TIREFIT kit ifter tires or all-season tires. Both types of tire
you mount tires that do not feature run-flatare identified by the M+S marking.
properties, e.g. winter tires. A TIREFIT kit canOnly winter tires bearing the i snowflake
symbol in addition to the M+S marking pro-

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year of production from: 2015

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Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual
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