owners manual Mercedes GLC
owners manual Mercedes GLC - year of production: 2015 - Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes GLC, year of production 2015:
184 Driving systems
ChangeintoalowergearingoodtimeonlongRemoval, tampering, or altering of the
and steep downhill gradients. This is espe-device will void any warranties, and is not
cially important if the vehicle is laden. Bypermitted.Donottamperwith,alter,oruse
doing so, you will make use of the brakingin any non-approved way.
effect of the engine. This relieves the load onAnyunauthorized modification to this
the brake system and prevents the brakesdevice could void the user's authority to
from overheating and wearing too quickly.operate the equipment.
parkingIf DISTRONICPLUSdetectsthatthereisarisk
of a collision, you will be warned visually andImportant safety notes
acoustically. DISTRONIC PLUS cannot pre-GWARNING
andvent a collision without your intervention. An
the distance warning lamp will light up in theRpeopleoranimals
rivinstrument cluster. Brake immediately in
D order to increase the distance to the vehicleRstationaryobstaclesontheroad,e.g.stop-
in front or take evasive action provided it ispedorparkedvehicles
safe to do so. Roncomingandcrossingtraffic
0mph(0km/h)and120mph(200km/h). warnings nor intervene in such situations.
DonotuseDISTRONICPLUSwhiledrivingonThere is a risk of an accident.
roads with steep gradients. Always pay careful attention to the traffic sit-
AsDISTRONICPLUStransmitsradarwaves,ituation and be ready to brake.
can resemble the radar detectors of theGWARNING
responsible authorities. You can refer to theDISTRONICPLUScannotalwaysclearlyiden-
relevant chapter in the Operator's Manual iftify other road users and complex traffic sit-
questions are asked about this. uations.
iUSAonly:ThisdevicehasbeenapprovedIn such cases, DISTRONIC PLUS may:
The radar sensor is intended for use in anRgiveanunnecessarywarningandthen
automotive radar system only. Removal,brake the vehicle
tampering,oralteringofthedevicewillvoidRneither give a warning nor intervene
anywarranties,andisnotpermittedbytheRaccelerate or brake unexpectedly
FCC. Do not tamper with, alter, or use inThere is a risk of an accident.
any non-approved way. Continue to drive carefully and be ready to
Anyunauthorized modification to thisbrake, in particular when warned to do so by
device could void the user's authority toDISTRONICPLUS.
operate the equipment.
RSS-210ofIndustry Canada. Operation isDISTRONICPLUSbrakesyourvehiclewithup
subject to the following two conditions:to50%ofthemaximumpossibledeceleration.
1. This device may not cause harmful inter-If this brakingforceisinsufficient,DISTRONIC
ference, and PLUSwarnsyouvisuallyandaudibly.Thereis
2.Thisdevicemustacceptanyinterferencea risk of an accident.
received, including interference that mayIn such cases, apply the brakes yourself and
cause undesired operation of the device.try to take evasive action.

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year of production from: 2015

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