owners manual Mercedes GLC
owners manual Mercedes GLC - year of production: 2015 - Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes GLC, year of production 2015:
182 Driving systems
If there is a change of drivers, advise the newYoucanstorethecurrent speed if you are
driver of the speed stored. driving faster than 20 mph (30 km/h).
iThespeedindicatedinthespeedometerXAccelerate the vehicle to the desired
maydiffer slightly from the speed stored.speed.
XBriefly press the cruise control lever up :
Cruise control lever or down ;.
parking pedal.
Cruise control is activated. The vehicle
and automatically maintains the stored speed.
ng iCruisecontrolmaybeunabletomaintain
the stored speed on uphill gradients. The
rivi storedspeedisresumedwhenthegradient
D evens out. Cruise control maintains the
stored speed on downhill gradients by
automatically applying the brakes.
:Toactivateorincreasespeed Storing the current speed or calling up
;Toactivateorreducespeed the last stored speed
=Todeactivatecruise control GWARNING
stored speed If you call up the stored speed and it is lower
Whenyouactivate cruise control, the storedthan the current speed, the vehicle deceler-
speed is shown in the multifunction displayates.If youdonotknowthestoredspeed,the
forfiveseconds.Inaddition,theésymbolvehicle could decelerate unexpectedly. There
appears in the multifunction display.is a risk of an accident.
Speedometerwithsegments:whencruisePay attention to the road and traffic condi-
control is activated, the segments from thetionsbeforecallingupthestoredspeed.Ifyou
stored speed to the maximum permitteddonotknowthestoredspeed,storethe
speed light up. desired speed again.
Storing and maintaining the current

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year of production from: 2015

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Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual
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