owners manual Mercedes GLC
owners manual Mercedes GLC - year of production: 2015 - Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes GLC, year of production 2015:
186 Driving systems
Rthedriver's door must be closed when youplay. The set distance to a slower-moving
shift from P to D or your seat belt must bevehicleinfrontwillthennotbemaintained.
fastened. Youwill be driving at the speed you deter-
Rthefront-passenger door and rear doorsmine by the position of the accelerator
g mustbeclosed. pedal.
Activating YoucanalsoactivateDISTRONICPLUSwhen
parkin 20mph(30km/h).
d XBriefly pull the cruise control lever towards
an you ;orpressitup:ordown=.
g DISTRONICPLUSisselected.
i Toactivate at the current speed/last
i stored speed
If you call up the stored speed and it differs
from the current speed, the vehicle acceler-
XBriefly pull the cruise control lever towardsates or decelerates. If you do not know the
you ;,up:ordown=. stored speed, the vehicle could accelerate or
DISTRONICPLUSisselected. brakeunexpectedly.Thereisariskofanacci-
XToadjustthesetspeedin1mphincre- dent.
ments(1km/hincrements):briefly Pay attention to the road and traffic condi-
press the cruise control lever up : to thetionsbeforecallingupthestoredspeed.Ifyou
pressure point for a higher speed, or downdonotknowthestoredspeed,storethe
=foralowerspeed. desired speed again.
Every time the cruise control lever is
pressed up or down, the last speed stored
is increased or reduced.
press the cruise control lever up : past
the pressure point for a higher speed, or
Every time the cruise control lever is
pressed up or down, the last speed stored
is increased or reduced. XBriefly pull the cruise control lever towards
XRemoveyourfootfromtheaccelerator you :.
pedal. XRemoveyourfootfromtheaccelerator
vehicle in front, but only up to the desiredDISTRONICPLUSisactivated. The first
stored speed. time it is activated, the current speed is
pedal, the DISTRONIC PLUS Suspendedspeed to the previously stored value.
messageappearsin the multifunction dis-

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year of production from: 2015

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Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual
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