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owners manual Mercedes GLC

owners manual Mercedes GLC - year of production: 2015 - Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual EN

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text version of content this owner's manual page from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes GLC, year of production 2015:
Driving systems 185 If DISTRONICPLUSortheHOLDfunctionThis speed may: ! is activated, the vehicle brakes automati-Rbetoohighifyouaredrivinginafilterlane cally in certain situations. or an exit lane To prevent damage to the vehicle, deacti-Rbesohighintherightlanethat you pass vate DISTRONICPLUSandtheHOLDfunc-vehicles driving on the left (left-hand drive tion in the following or other similar situa-countries) tions: Rbesohighintheleftlanethat you pass Rwhentowingthevehicle vehicles driving on the right (right-handparking Rinthecarwash drive countries) If you fail to adapt your driving style,If there is a change of drivers, advise the newand DISTRONICPLUScanneitherreducetheriskdriver of the speed stored. of accident nor override the laws of physics.Cruise control lever DISTRONICPLUScannottakeintoaccount riving the road, traffic and weather conditions. D DISTRONICPLUSisonlyanaid.Youare responsible for the distance to the vehicle in front, for vehicle speed, for braking in good time and for staying in your lane. DonotuseDISTRONICPLUS: Rinroadandtraffic conditions which do not allowyoutomaintainaconstantspeede.g. in heavy traffic or on winding roads Ronslipperyroadsurfaces.Brakingoraccel- eratingcouldcausethedrivewheelstolose:Toactivateorincreasespeed traction and the vehicle could then skid ;Toactivateorreducespeed Rwhenthereispoorvisibility,e.g.duetofog,=TodeactivateDISTRONICPLUS heavy rain or snow DISTRONICPLUSmaynotdetectnarrow ?Toactivateatthecurrentspeed/last vehicles driving in front, e.g. motorcycles, orstored speed vehicles driving on a different line.ATosetthespecifiedminimumdistance In particular, the detection of obstacles canActivating DISTRONIC PLUS be impaired if: RthereisdirtonthesensorsoranythingelseActivation conditions covering the sensors In order to activate DISTRONICPLUS,thefol- Rthereis snow or heavy rain lowing conditions must be fulfilled: RthereisinterferencebyotherradarsourcesRtheenginemustbestarted.Itmaytakeup Rtherearestrong radar reflections, forto two minutes after pulling away before example, in parking garages DISTRONICPLUSisoperational. If DISTRONIC PLUS no longer detects a vehi-Rtheelectric parking brake must be cle in front, DISTRONIC PLUS may unexpect-released. edly accelerate the vehicle to the storedRESP®mustbeactive,butnotintervening. speed. RActive Parking Assist must not be activa- ted. Rthetransmission must be in position D. Z
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year of production from: 2015

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Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual
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