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owners manual Mercedes GLC

owners manual Mercedes GLC - year of production: 2015 - Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual EN

Document: pdf (9.68 MB) 418 pages
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text version of content this owner's manual page from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes GLC, year of production 2015:
174 Parking WiththeStart/Stopbutton: The function of the electric parking brake is XSwitchontheignition. dependentontheon-boardvoltage.Iftheon- XDepressthebrakepedalandkeepit boardvoltageisloworthereisamalfunction depressed. in the system, it may not be possible to apply XRemovetheStart/Stopbuttonfromthethe released parking brake. ignition lock. XIf this is the case, only park the vehicle on XInsert the SmartKey into the ignition lock.level ground and secure it to prevent it roll- parkingXShift to neutral N. ing away. XReleasethebrakepedal. XShift the automatic transmission to posi- and tion P. XReleasetheelectric parking brake.It may not be possible to release an applied ingXSwitchofftheignitionandleavetheSmart-parkingbrakeiftheon-boardvoltageislowor riv Key in the ignition lock. there is a malfunction in the system. Contact D The engine can be switched off in an emer-a qualified specialist workshop. gencywhilethevehicleisinmotionbypress-The electric parking brake performs a func- ing and holding the Start/Stop button fortion test at regular intervals while the engine three seconds. This function operates inde-is switched off. The sounds that can be heard pendently of the ECO start/stop automaticwhile this is occurring are normal. engine switch-off function. Applying or releasing manually Electric parking brake General notes GWARNING If you leave children unsupervised in the vehi- cle,theycouldsetitinmotionby,forexample: Rrelease the parking brake. Rshift the automatic transmission out of the parking position P. Rstart the engine. XToapply:pushhandle:. In addition, they may operate vehicle equip-Whentheelectricparkingbrakeisapplied, mentandbecometrapped.Thereisariskofthe red F(USAonly)or!(Canada an accident and injury. only) indicator lamp lights up in the instru- Whenleaving the vehicle, always take thementcluster. SmartKeywithyouandlockthevehicle.NeverThe electric parking brake can also be leave children unsupervised in the vehicle.applied when the SmartKey is removed.
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year of production from: 2015

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Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual
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Mercedes-Benz-GLC-Class-owners-manual page 176 min
Mercedes-Benz-GLC-Class-owners-manual page 177 min
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Mercedes-Benz-GLC-Class-owners-manual page 179 min

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