owners manual Mercedes GLC
owners manual Mercedes GLC - year of production: 2015 - Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes GLC, year of production 2015:
Driving systems 181
Drive particularly carefully on slippery roadvehicle occupants and that of other road
control or DISTRONIC PLUS. (Y page 67).
If the vehicle threatens to skid or cannot be g
stopped when moving at low speed:Cruise Control
XShift the transmission to position N.
The outside temperature indicator is notGeneral notes parkin
designed to serve as an ice-warning deviceCruise control maintains a constant roadd
and is therefore unsuitable for that purpose.speedforyou.Itbrakesautomaticallyinorderan
Changes in the outside temperature are dis-toavoidexceedingthesetspeed.Changeintog
played after a short delay. a lower gear in good time on long and steepn
Indicated temperatures just above the freez-downhill gradients. This is especially impor-ivi
ing point do not guarantee that the road sur-tant if the vehicle is laden. By doing so, youD
face is free of ice. The road may still be icy,will make use of the braking effect of the
especiallyinwoodedareasoronbridges.Theengine. This relieves the load on the brake
vehicle could skid if you fail to adapt yoursystem and prevents the brakes from over-
driving style. Always adapt your driving styleheating and wearing too quickly.
and drive at a speed to suit the prevailingUsecruisecontrolonlyifroadandtrafficcon-
weather conditions. ditions make it appropriate to maintain a
ditions when temperatures are around freez-store any road speed above 20 mph
ing point. (30 km/h).
For more information on driving with snow
chains, see (Y page 377). Important safety notes
FormoreinformationondrivingwithsummerIf you fail to adapt your driving style, cruise
tires, see (
Ypage376). controlcanneitherreducetheriskofanacci-
Observe the notes in the "Wi
nter operation"dent nor override the laws of physics. Cruise
section (Y page 376). control cannot take into account the road,
traffic and weatherconditions.Cruisecontrol
Driving systems is only an aid. You are responsible for the dis-
Mercedes-BenzIntelligent Drive for braking in good time and for staying in
your lane.
Mercedes-Benz Intelligent Drive stands forDonotusecruisecontrol:
innovative driver assistance and safety sys-
temswhichenhancecomfortandsupporttheRinroadandtraffic conditions which do not
driver in critical situations. With these intelli-allowyoutomaintainaconstantspeed,e.g.
gent co-ordinated systems Mercedes-Benzin heavy traffic or on winding roads
has set a milestone on the path towardsRonslipperyroadsurfaces.Brakingoraccel-
autonomousdriving. eratingcouldcausethedrivewheelstolose
Mercedes-BenzIntelligentDriveembracesalltraction and the vehicle could then skid
elements of active and passive safety in oneRwhenthereispoorvisibility,e.g.duetofog,
wellthoughtoutsystem–forthesafetyoftheheavy rain or snow

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year of production from: 2015

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Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual
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