owners manual Mercedes GLC
owners manual Mercedes GLC - year of production: 2015 - Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes GLC, year of production 2015:
Driving tips 179
If the brakes have been subjected to a heavyThebrakefluidlevel may be too low due to
load, do not stop the vehicle immediately.brake pad wear or leaking brake lines.
Drive on for a short while. This allows the air-Havethebrakesystemcheckedimmedi-
flow to cool the brakes more quickly.ately. Consult a qualified specialist work-
Wetroads shop to arrange this.
If you havedrivenforalongtimeinheavyrainonly be carried out on a 2-axle dynamom-
withoutbraking,theremaybeadelayedreac-eter. If you wish to operate the vehicle onparking
tionfromthebrakeswhenbrakingforthefirstsuch a dynamometer, please consult a
time.Thismayalsooccurafterthevehiclehasqualified specialist workshop in advance.and
been washed or driven through deep water.Youcouldotherwisedamagethedrivetrain
Youhavetodepressthebrakepedalmore or the brake system. ng
firmly. Maintain a greater distance from the!TheESP®systemoperatesautomatically.rivi
vehicle in front. TheengineandtheignitionmustthereforeD
After driving on a wet road or having the vehi-be switched off (the SmartKey must be in
cle washed, brake firmly while paying atten-position 0 or 1 in the ignition lock or the
tiontothetrafficconditions.ThiswillwarmupStart/Stop button must be in position 0 or
the brake discs, thereby drying them more1) if the electric parking brake is tested on
quickly and protecting them against corro-a brake dynamometer.
sion. Braking triggered automatically by ESP®
Limited braking performance on salt-maycauseseveredamagetothebrake
treated roads system.
If you drive on salted roads, a layer of saltAll checks and maintenance work on the
residue may form on the brake discs andbrake system must be carried out at a quali-
brake pads. This can result in a significantlyfied specialist workshop.
longer braking distance. Havebrakepadsinstalled and brake fluid
replaced at a qualified specialist workshop.
RInordertoprevent any salt build-up, applyIf the brake system has only been subject to
tion to the traffic conditions.ality of your brakes at regular intervals.
RCarefully depress the brake pedal and theInformationonBAS(BrakeAssist)(
beginning and end of a journey. Ypage68)
and BAS PLUS (Brake Assist PLUS)
RMaintain a greater distance to the vehicle(Y page 68).
ahead. For safety reasons, Mercedes-Benz recom-
Servicing the brakes mendsonlyinstalling the following brake
disks and brake pads/linings:
!Thebrakefluidlevelmaybetoolow,if:Rbrakedisksthat have been approved by
the instrument cluster and Rbrakepads/linings that have been
Ryouhearawarningtonewhiletheengineapproved by Mercedes-Benz or that are of
is running an equivalent standard of quality
Observe additional warning messages inOther brake disks or brake pads/linings can
the multifunction display. compromise the safety of your vehicle.

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year of production from: 2015

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Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual
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