owners manual Mercedes GLC
owners manual Mercedes GLC - year of production: 2015 - Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes GLC, year of production 2015:
192Driving systems
Crossing vehicles At speeds of more than 37 mph (60 km/h),
Steering Assist focuses on clear lane mark-
ings(left andright),onlyfocusingonthevehi-
ing SteeringAssistandStop&GoPilotdonotpro-
k vide any support if these conditions do not
r exist.
p DISTRONICPLUSmustbeactiveinorderfor
and the function to be available.
ing Important safety notes
ivDISTRONICPLUSmaymistakenlydetectIf you fail to adapt your driving style,
vehicles that are crossing your lane. Activat-DISTRONICPLUSwithSteeringAssist and
Dring DISTRONIC PLUS at traffic lights withStop&GoPilot can neither reduce the risk of
crossing traffic, for example, could causean accident nor override the laws of physics.
your vehicle to pull away unintentionally.It cannot take account of road, weather and
traffic conditions. DISTRONIC PLUS with
DISTRONICPLUSwithSteeringAssistSteering Assist and Stop&Go Pilot is only an
andStop&GoPilot aid. You are responsible for the distance to
the vehicle in front, for vehicle speed, for
General notes braking in good time and for staying in your
DISTRONICPLUSwithSteeringAssist and
Stop&GoPilot does not detect road and traf-
fic conditions. If you are following a vehicle
aware of other road users, e.g. cyclists, that
are directly next to your vehicle.
projecting out into the lane are not detected.
DISTRONICPLUSwithSteeringAssist andAninappropriate steering intervention, e.g.
in the center of the driving lane by means ofcan be corrected at any time if you steer
moderatesteeringinterventionsatspeedsofslightly in the opposite direction.
0-125mph(0-200km/h).DISTRONICPLUSwithSteeringAssist and
It monitorstheareainfrontofyourvehiclebyStop&GoPilotcannotcontinuouslykeepyour
meansofmultifunctioncamera:,atthetopvehicle in lane. In some cases, the steering
of the windshield. interventionisnotsufficienttobringthevehi-
In a speed range from 0 - 37 mphcle back to the lane. In such cases, you must
(0 - 60 km/h), Stop&Go Pilot focuses on thesteer the vehicle yourself to ensure that it
vehicle in front, taking into account lanedoes not leave the lane.
markings, e.g. when following vehicles in a
traffic jam.

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year of production from: 2015

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Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual
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