owners manual Mercedes GLC
owners manual Mercedes GLC - year of production: 2015 - Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes GLC, year of production 2015:
178 Driving tips
Thethreeinnerareasdisplaythecurrentdriv-For further information on the ECO display,
ing style and light up green as a result of asee (Y page 244).
particularly economical driving style.
areas may light up simultaneously.
At the beginning of the journey, the threeImportant safety notes
parkingeconomicaldriving. A higher level indicates aGWARNING
moreeconomical driving style. If the threeIf you shift down on a slippery road surface in
outer areas are completely filled at the samean attempt to increase the engine's braking
andtime, the driver has adopted the most eco-effect, the drive wheels could lose their grip.
nomicaldrivingstylefortheselectedsettingsThere is an increased danger of skidding and
and prevailing conditions. The ECO displayaccidents.
Drivingborder lights up. Donotshift down for additional engine brak-
The ECOdisplay does not indicate the actualing on a slippery road surface.
fuel consumption. The additionally achieved
range displayed under Bonus fr. StartDownhill gradients
tion. !Onlongandsteepgradients,youmust
In addition to driving style, the actual con-reduce the load on the brakes by shifting
sumption is affected by other factors, suchearlytoalowergear.Thisallowsyoutotake
as: advantageoftheenginebrakingeffectand
Rload helps avoid overheating and excessive
wear of the brakes.
Rtire pressure Whenyoutakeadvantageoftheengine
Rcoldstart braking effect, a drive wheel may not turn
Rchoiceofroute for some time, e.g. on a slippery road sur-
Relectrical consumers switched on face. This could cause damage to the drive
ThesefactorsarenotincludedintheECOdis-train. This typeofdamageisnotcoveredby
play. the Mercedes-Benz warranty.
driving at moderate engine speeds.
Achieving a higher value in the categoriesGWARNING
"Acceleration" and "Constant": If you rest your foot on the brake pedal while
Robservethegearshift recommendations.driving,thebrakingsystemcanoverheat.This
Rdrive in drive program E. increasesthestoppingdistanceandcaneven
Onlongjourneysataconstantspeed,e.g.oncause the braking system to fail. There is a
the highway, only the outer area for "con-risk of an accident.
stant" will change. Neverusethebrakepedalasafootrest.Never
TheECOdisplaysummarizesthedrivingstyledepress the brake pedal and the accelerator
fromthestartofthejourneytoitscompletion.pedal at the same time.
the outer areas at the start of a journey. Onresults in excessive and premature wear to
longerjourneys,therearefewerchanges.Forthe brake pads.
(Y page 245).

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