owners manual Mercedes GLC
owners manual Mercedes GLC - year of production: 2015 - Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes GLC, year of production 2015:
Refueling 169
Problem Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions
The transmission hasThe transmission is losing oil.
problems shifting gear.XHavethetransmission checked at a qualified specialist work-
shop immediately.
The acceleration abilityThe transmission is in emergency mode. parking
is deteriorating. It is only possible to shift into second gear and reverse gear.
The transmission noXStopthevehicle. and
longer changes gear.XShift the transmission to position P.
XSwitchoff the engine. iving
XWaitatleast ten seconds before restarting the engine.r
XShift the transmission to position D or R. D
If D is selected, the transmission shifts into second gear; if R is
selected, the transmission shifts into reverse gear.
XHavethetransmission checked at a qualified specialist work-
shop immediately.
Transfer case !Vehicleswith4MATICmustnotbetowed
This section is only valid for vehicles with 4-witheitherthefrontortherearaxleraised,
wheeldrive (4MATIC). Power is always trans-as doing so will damage the transmission.
mitted to both axles.
!Performancetestsmayonlybecarried Refueling
out on a 2-axle dynamometer. The brakeImportant safety notes
damaged. Contact a qualified specialistGWARNING
workshop for a performance test. Fuel is highly flammable. If you handle fuel
!SinceESP®engagesautomatically,theincorrectly, there is a risk of fire and explo-
ignition must be switched off (the Smart-sion.
Key or Start/Stop button must be in posi-Youmustavoidfire, open flames, creating
tion 0 or 1) if: sparks and smoking. Switch off the engine
Rtheelectricparkingbrakeisbeingtestedand,if applicable, the auxiliary heating before
onabrakedynamometer refueling.
Rthevehicle is being towed with only oneGWARNING
axle raised (not permitted for vehiclesFuel is poisonous and hazardous to health.
with 4MATIC). There is a risk of injury.
aged. into contact with your skin, eyes or clothing
vapors. Keep fuel away from children.

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year of production from: 2015

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Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual
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