owners manual Mercedes GLC
owners manual Mercedes GLC - year of production: 2015 - Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Mercedes GLC, year of production 2015:
Driving tips 177
is a risk of fatal injury. Therefore never leavesince the beginning of the journey as a result
the engine running in enclosed spaces with-of an adapted driving style.
out sufficient ventilation. If the fuel level has dropped into the reserve
Certain engine systems are designed to keeprange, theReserve Fuel display message is
thelevelofpoisonouscomponentsinexhaustshowninstead of range ? in the multifunc-
fumes within legal limits. tion display. The 8 warning lamp in theing
instrument cluster also lights up k
Thesesystemsonlyworkatpeakefficiencyif(Y page 299). par
they are serviced exactly in accordance withThe ECO display consists of three sections,
the manufacturer's specifications. For thiswith an inner and outer area. The sections
out by qualified and authorized Mercedes-
Benz technicians. : Acceleration(evaluationofall iving
The engine settings must not be changed acceleration processes): Dr
under any circumstances. Furthermore, allRtheouterareafills up and the
specific service work must be carried out atinner area lights up green: mod-
regular intervals and in accordance with theerate acceleration, especially at
Mercedes-Benzservicerequirements.Details higher speeds
can be found in the Maintenance Booklet.Rtheouterareaemptiesandthe
inner area is gray: sporty accel-
ECOdisplay eration
The ECO display shows you how economical; Coasting(evaluationofalldecel-
your driving style is. The ECO display assistseration processes):
youinachievingthemosteconomicaldriving Rtheouterareafills up and the
style for the selected settings and prevailinginner area lights up green: antic-
conditions.Yourdrivingstylecansignificantlyipatory driving, keeping your dis-
influence the vehicle's consumption. tance and early release of the
accelerator. The vehicle can
coast without use of the brakes.
= Constant(continuousevaluation
over the entire journey):
Rtheouterareafills up and the
inner area lights up green: con-
stant speed and avoidance of
:Acceleration unnecessary acceleration and
;Coasting deceleration
=Constant Rtheouterareaemptiesandthe
?Additional range achieved inner area is gray: fluctuations in
Range?isshownunderBonus fr. Start speed

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year of production from: 2015

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Mercedes Benz GLC Class owners manual
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