owners manual Nissan Note
owners manual Nissan Note - year of production: 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 - Nissan Note I 1 E11 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Note, year of production 2006 - 2012:
Turn the ignition switch to the LOCK positionYournewvehiclewasdesignedtobeusedprimarilyContact a NISSANdealerorqualified workshop
and remove the key/Intelligent Key (where fit-to carry passengers and luggage.for more information on this matter.
ted). Rememberthat towing a trailer will place additional• The trailer must be loaded so that heavy goods
loads on your vehicle’s engine, drive-train, steering,are distributed over the axle and as low in the
braking and other systems. Towing a trailer will alsotrailer as possible. Poor load distribution can se-
exaggerate other conditions, such as sway causedriously affect the stability of the trailer and tow
by crosswinds, rough road surfaces or passingvehicle.
trucks. Driving style and speed must be adjusted• Do not exceed the maximum permitted vertical
according to the circumstances. Before towing aload on the trailer hitch.
trailer, see a NISSAN dealer or qualified workshop
for an explanation of towing equipment and its• Before driving, make sure that the lighting sys-
proper use. tem of the trailer works properly.
OPERATINGPRECAUTIONS • Avoid abrupt starts, accelerations and stops.
• Avoid towing a trailer during the running-in• Avoid sharp turns and lane changes.
schedule. • Always drive your vehicle at a moderate speed.
• Choose proper coupling devices (trailer hitch,• Always block the wheels on both vehicle and
safety chain, roof carrier, etc.) for your vehicletrailerwhenparking.Applythehandbrake(where
and trailer. These devices are available from afitted) on the trailer. Parking on a steep slope is
NISSANdealerorqualifiedworkshopwhereyounot recommended.
can also obtain more detailed information about
trailer towing. If parking on a steep slope is unavoidable it is
Heavy-dutykitsareavailableataNISSANdealeralso advisable to put the vehicle into gear, or
or qualified workshop. select P (Park, AT models), and turn the front
• It is advisable to contact a NISSAN dealer orcautions described). Before parking on a steep
qualified workshop for towing details, beforeslope consider the incline (the towing weights
towing a trailer up steep slopes for long dis-quoted are for a 12% slope).
tances. • Follow the trailer manufacturer’s instructions.
• Never allow the total trailer load (trailer weight
plus its cargo weight) to exceed the maximum
set for the coupling device.
5-24 Starting and driving

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year of production from: 2006

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