owners manual Nissan Note
owners manual Nissan Note - year of production: 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 - Nissan Note I 1 E11 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Note, year of production 2006 - 2012:
Push the speed limiter main “ON/OFF” switchChanging a cruising speed:The set speed value j9 will flash until the vehicle
j5 . The cruise control system information in theUseanyoneofthefollowingmethodstochangethereturns to the previously set speed.
combination meter will be replaced with thecruising speed:Cancelling the cruise control system:
limiter” earlier in this section.• Slow the vehicle as normal using the footbrakeTo cancel a set speed limit, push the CANCEL
• When the vehicle is stopped and the ignition ispedal, the SET indicator j8 in the combinationswitch j3 . The SET indicator j8 in the combination
turned to the off position. meter will be turned off. meter will be turned off.
Turning off the cruise control system will eraseWhen the vehicle reaches the desired cruisingThe set speed value j9 will remain displayed, as
the cruise control system memory.speed, push and release the SET switch j2 up-this speed is now stored in the cruise control sys-
wards or downwards. tem memory.
Vehicles with diesel engine Thenewsetspeedvaluej9 andtheSETindica-The cruise control system will also be cancelled
Turning the cruise control system on:tor j8 will bedisplayedinthecombinationmeter.automatically by any of the following:
The cruise control system can be switched on after• Press the accelerator pedal.• Pressing the footbrake pedal.
engine start or when driving. When the vehicle reaches the desired cruising• Pressing the clutch pedal.
Push the cruise control main switch j5 . Thespeed, push and release the SET switch j2 up-• MovingthegearlevertotheN(Neutral)position.
CRUISEindicator j6 and the cruise control symbolwards or downwards.
j7 will illuminate in the combination meter display.Thenewsetspeedvaluej9 andtheSETindica-• If the vehicle slows down more than 12 km/h (8
Setting a cruising speed: tor j8 will bedisplayedinthecombinationmeter.MPH)belowthesetspeed.
1. Accelerate to the desired cruising speed.• PushandreleasetheSETswitchj2 upwardsorResumingaprevious cruising speed:
2. PushtheSETswitchj2 upwardsordownwardsdownwards to increase or decrease the setIf the cruising speed has been cancelled, the set
and release it. speed in steps of 2 km/h (1-2 MPH).speed value j9 will remain displayed in the combi-
• Push and hold the SET switch j2 upwards ornation meter and the speed will be stored in the
3. The SET indicator j8 and the set speed valuedownwards. The set speed will increase or de-cruise control system memory. This cruising speed
j9 will be displayed in the combination metercrease in steps of 4 km/h (2-3 MPH).can be reactivated by pressing the RES (Resume)
display. switch j1.
4. Take your foot off the accelerator pedal.Thenewsetspeedvaluej9 willbedisplayedintheIf the vehicle speed is less than 30 km/h (20
combination meter. MPH), it will not be possible to resume to the
The vehicle will maintain the set speed.Passing another vehicle:cruising speed.
If the vehicle speed is less than 30 km/h (20Depress the accelerator pedal to accelerate. AfterTurn the cruise control system off:
MPH),itwillnotbepossibletosetthecruisecon-releasing the accelerator pedal, the vehicle will re-
trol system. turn to the previously set speed.The cruise control system will be turned off when
one of the following operations is performed:
Starting and driving5-21

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year of production from: 2006

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