owners manual Nissan Note
owners manual Nissan Note - year of production: 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 - Nissan Note I 1 E11 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Note, year of production 2006 - 2012:
overheating. No servicing is required. The EPASThe brake system has two separate hydraulic cir-
WARNING system will return to normal operation the next timecuits. If one circuit malfunctions, you will still have
• If the Electrically Power Assisted Steeringthe vehicle is driven.braking ability with two wheels.
warning light (EPAS) illuminates while driv-Similarly, the EPAS system may not provide full as-BRAKEPRECAUTIONS
ing, the power assist for steering will be dis-sistance during periods of reduced battery voltage
abled. Greater steering efforts are required tobut will recover once normal battery voltage is re-Vacuumassisted brake
operate the steering wheel, especially instored. The brake booster aids braking by using engine
sharp turns and at low speed. Stop the ve- vacuum. If the engine stops or the drive belt is bro-
hicle as soon as safely possible and contact aIf the EPASwarninglightcomesonwhiletheengineken, you can stop the vehicle by depressing the
NISSAN dealer or qualified workshop for fur-is running, it may indicate that the EPAS system isbrake pedal. However, greater foot pressure on the
ther assistance. not working properly. As result greater steering ef-brake pedal will be required to stop the vehicle and
• In certain circumstances, factors external toforts are required to steer the steering wheel, espe-the stopping distance will be longer.
theEPASsystemmaycontributetotheillumi-cially in sharp turns and at low speeds. Have the
nationofthewarninglight.Ifthewarninglightsystem checked by a NISSAN dealer or qualifiedWetbrakes
illuminates, stop the vehicle as soon as safelyworkshop as soon as possible.When the vehicle is washed or driven through wa-
possible if driving. Turn the ignition switch toNOTE ter, the brakes may get wet. As a result, your brak-
the “OFF” position and wait for approximatelyIncorrectly inflated tyres can lead to poor steer-ing distance will be longer and the vehicle may pull
20 seconds, then turn the ignition switch toingability and makethedriversuspectasteeringto one side during braking.
theONpositionagain.Ifthelightremainsillu-problem: keep the vehicle’s tyres inflated to theTo dry brakes, drive the vehicle at a safe speed
minated, we recommend you to contact acorrect pressure at all times.while lightly pressing the brake pedal to heat up the
NISSAN dealer or qualified workshop. See brakes. Do this until the brakes return to normal.
“Warning/indicatorlightsandaudibleCAUTION Avoid driving the vehicle at high speeds until the
reminders” in the “2. Instruments andAnymalfunctionoraccidentthatcouldhavedam-brakes function correctly.
controls” section for further details regardingaged the steering components (including actual
the EPAS warning light. or attempted theft damage) should be reportedUsing the brakes
The EPAS (Electrically Power Assisted Steering)to a NISSAN dealer or qualified workshop.Avoid resting your foot on the brake pedal while
system is designed to assist steering. driving. This will overheat the brakes, wear out the
The steering may appear to feel slightly stiff follow- brake linings and pads faster and reduce fuel
ing parking manoeuvres including a great deal of economy performance.
steering. This is not a malfunction; it is caused by a Tohelpreducebrakewearandtopreventthebrakes
control system designed to prevent the motor from from overheating, reduce speed and downshift to a
Starting and driving5-27

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year of production from: 2006

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