owners manual Nissan Note
owners manual Nissan Note - year of production: 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 - Nissan Note I 1 E11 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Note, year of production 2006 - 2012:
(where fitted)
Push the cruise control main “ON/OFF” switch
j5 . The cruise control symbol j7 , the CRUISE
indicator j6 , the SET indicator j8 , and the set • Donotparkthevehicleoverflammablemate-
speed value j9 will turn off in the combination rials, such as dry grass, waste paper, or rags.
meter display. They may ignite and cause a fire.
• Push the speed limiter main “ON/OFF” switch • Safeparking procedures require that:
j5 . The cruise control system information in the – Thehandbrakeisapplied.
combination meter will be replaced with the
speedlimiterinformation.Fordetailssee“Speed – Thegear lever is placed in an appropriate
limiter” earlier in this section. NSD358 gear for manual transmission models.
• When the vehicle is stopped and the ignition is – TheselectorleverisplacedintheP(Park)
turned to the off position. Ultrasonic sensors jA , fitted in the vehicle’s rear position for automatic transmission mod-
Turning off the cruise control system will erase bumper, measure the distance between the vehicle els.
the cruise control system memory. andanobstaclewhenreversing.Whenreversegear Failure to follow the above recommenda-
is engagedabeepingsoundisheard.Thefrequency tions could cause the vehicle to move un-
of the beeps will increase the closer the vehicle expectedly or roll away and result in an
comes to an obstacle until, the sound becomes a accident.
constant beep when, the vehicle is approximately
35 cm (14 in) from the obstacle. • Never leave the engine running while the ve-
NOTE hicle is unattended.
• Thissystemisintendedasanaidtoreversing, • Do not leave children or adults who would
to be used in conjunction with your rear view normally require the support of others alone
mirror. in your vehicle. Pets should also not be left
alone either. On hot, sunny days, tempera-
• Makesurethattheultrasonicsensorsarenot tures in a closed vehicle could quickly be-
obscured (by dirt, mud, snow, etc.). comehigh enough to cause severe or possi-
bly fatal injuries to people or animals.
• Manualtransmission models:
Depress the clutch pedal and place the gear
lever in the R (Reverse) position. When parking
on an uphill gradient, place the gear lever in the
1st (Low gear) position.
5-22 Starting and driving

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year of production from: 2006

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