owners manual Nissan Note
owners manual Nissan Note - year of production: 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 - Nissan Note I 1 E11 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Note, year of production 2006 - 2012:
Accelerator downshift – In the D (Drive) dicator light in the instrument panel Shift lock release
position illuminates. If the battery is discharged, the selector lever can-
When cruising at low speeds or climbing a not be moved from the P (Park) position even with
For rapid passing or driving uphill, fully depress the gentle slope, you may feel an uncomfortable
accelerator pedal to the floor. This shifts the trans- shift shock as the transmission shifts in andthebrakepedaldepressedandtheignitionswitchin
mission down into a lower gear, depending on the out of the overdrive position repeatedly. Inthe ON position.
vehicle speed. this case, push the overdrive switch to turnTo move the selector lever, push the shift lock re-
the Overdrive “OFF”. lease button j1 (as illustrated) and press the selec-
Whendrivingconditionschange,pushtheoverdrive tor lever button j2 . It is now possible to move the
switch to turn the overdrive “ON”. The overdrive offselector lever to the N (Neutral) position.
indicator light in the instrument panel will turnForyoursafety, makesurethehandbrakeisapplied
off. and the brake pedal is depressed during the opera-
Remembernottodriveathighspeedsforextended tion.
periods of time with the overdrive “OFF”. This re-If there is any problem moving the lever out of the P
duces fuel economy. (Park) position, have a NISSAN dealer or qualified
NSD309Z workshop to check the automatic transmission sys-
tem as soon as possible.
A. RHDmodels Fail-safe
B. LHDmodels WhentheFail-safe operation occurs, the automatic
Overdrive switch transmission will be locked in the third gear.
If the vehicle is driven under extreme conditions,
ON: For normal driving, push the overdrive such as excessive wheel spinning and subse-
switchto“ON ”withtheselector lever in quent hard braking, the Fail-safe system may be
the D (Drive) position. The transmission is NSD310Z activated. This will occur even if all electrical cir-
shifted up into OVERDRIVE as the vehicle cuits are functioning properly. In this case, turn
speed increases. A. RHDmodels the ignition switch “OFF” and wait for 3 seconds.
Then turn the key back to the ON position. The
The overdrive will not engage until the engine B. LHDmodels vehicleshouldreturntoitsnormaloperatingcon-
has warmed up. dition. If it does not return to its normal operating
OFF: For driving up and down long slopes where condition have your NISSAN dealer or qualified
engine braking is necessary, push the over-
drive switch “OFF ”. The overdrive off in-
5-14 Starting and driving

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year of production from: 2006

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