owners manual Nissan Note
owners manual Nissan Note - year of production: 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 - Nissan Note I 1 E11 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Note, year of production 2006 - 2012:
TEMPORARY-USESPARETYRE CAUTION • Tyre tread will wear at a faster rate on the
• Thetemporary-usesparetyreshouldbeused temporary-usesparetyrethanontheoriginal.
only in emergencies. It should be replaced by Replace the temporary spare tyre as soon as
the standard tyre at the first opportunity. the tread wear indicators appear.
• Under no circumstances should you exceed • Donottowatrailer.
80km/h(50MPH);ahigherspeedcoulddam- • Aswithalltyres,thetemporary-usesparetyre
age the tyre. must be checked regularly to ensure pres-
• Avoiddrivingoverobstacles.Also,donottake sure is maintained.
the vehicle through an automatic car wash. For pressure details, see the tyre placard lo-
NCE069Z Because this tyre’s diameter is smaller than cated on the driver’s side centre pillar.
Temporary-use spare tyre label the diameter of a conventional tyre, the
ground clearance is reduced approximately
The temporary-use spare tyre is smaller than a con- 25mm(1in.).
ventional tyre and designed for emergency use only.• Avoiddriving sharp turns and abrupt braking.
The tyre should be used ONLY for very short peri-
odsandNEVERbeusedforlongdrivesorextended • Do not exceed the vehicle’s maximum load
periods. rating or the load-carrying capacity molded
Observe the following precautions if the temporary- on the sidewall of the temporary-use spare
usesparetyremustbeused,otherwiseyourvehicle tyre.
could be damaged or involved in an accident. • Donotuseasnowchainonthistyre.Because
of it’s smaller size, a snow chain will not fit
WARNING properly. This could cause damage to the ve-
• Any continuous road use of this tyre could hicle and result in loss of the chain.
result in tyre failure, loss of vehicle control,• Do not use the temporary-use spare tyre on
and possible personal injury. any other vehicle because this tyre has been
• This tyre should not be installed on the front designed specifically for your vehicle.
axle if the vehicle must be driven in snow or • Thevehiclemustnotbedrivenwithmorethan
on ice. To avoid loss of vehicle control under one temporary-use spare tyre at the same
snowy and icy conditions, install the tempo- time.
rary-use spare tyre on the rear axle and use a
conventional tyre on the front axle.
6-2 In case of emergency

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year of production from: 2006

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