owners manual Nissan Sentra
owners manual Nissan Sentra - year of production: 2012 - Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Sentra, year of production 2012:
or Power steeringWhen the power steering warning light illumi-Supplemental air bag warning
warning lightnates with the engine running, there will be nolight
control of the vehicle. At this time, greater steer-Whentheignition switch is placed in the ON or
WARNING ing effort is required to operate the steeringSTARTposition, the supplemental air bag warn-
● If the engine is not running or is turnedwheel, especially in sharp turns and at lowinglight illuminates for about 7 seconds and then
off while driving, the power assist forspeeds.turns off. This means the system is operational.
the steering will not work. Steering willFor additional information, refer to “Power steer-If any of the following conditions occur, the front
beharder to operate. ing” in the “Starting and driving” section of thisair bag, side air bag, curtain air bag, and preten-
● Whenthepowersteering warning lightmanual. sioner seat belt systems need servicing.
illuminates with the engine running,Seat belt warning light and● The supplemental air bag warning light re-
there will be no power assist for thechime mains on after approximately 7 seconds.
steering. You will still have control of
the vehicle but the steering will beThe light and chime remind you to fasten your● The supplemental air bag warning light
harder to operate. Have the powerseat belts. The light illuminates whenever theflashes intermittently.
steering system checked. It is recom-ignition switch is placed in the ON or START● Thesupplementalairbagwarninglightdoes
mended you visit a NISSAN dealer forposition and remains illuminated until the driver’snot come on at all.
this service. seatbeltisfastened.Atthesametime,thechime
When the ignition switch is placed in the ONsounds for about 6 seconds unless the driver’sIt is recommended you visit a NISSAN dealer for
position, the power steering warning light illumi-seat belt is securely fastened.theseservices.Unlesscheckedandrepaired,the
nates. After starting the engine, the power steer-The seat belt warning light may also illuminate ifsupplemental restraint system (air bag system)
ing warning light turns off. This indicates thethe front passenger’s seat belt is not fastenedand/or the pretensioners may not function prop-
power steering system is operational.whenthefrontpassenger’sseatisoccupied.Forerly. For additional information, refer to “Supple-
If the power steering warning light illuminates7 seconds after the ignition switch is placed inmental restraint system (SRS)” in the “Safety—
while the engine is running, it may indicate thetheONposition,thesystemdoesnotactivatetheSeats, seat belts and supplemental restraint
powersteeringsystemisnotfunctioningproperlywarning light for the front passenger.system”section of this manual.
andmayneedservicing.HavethepowersteeringFor additional information, refer to “Seat belts”in
system checked by a NISSAN dealer.the “Safety—Seats, seat belts and supplemental
restraint system” section of this manual.
2-20 Instruments and controls

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year of production from: 2012

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Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual
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