owners manual Nissan Sentra
owners manual Nissan Sentra - year of production: 2012 - Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Sentra, year of production 2012:
● If the light illuminates while driving,● Replacingtireswiththosenotoriginally● Nokeywarning
avoid sudden steering maneuvers orspecified by NISSAN could affect the● Lowwasherfluid warning
abrupt braking, reduce vehicle speed,proper operation of the TPMS.● Parking brake release warning
pull off the road to a safe location and
stop the vehicle as soon as possible.CAUTION● Dooropenwarning
Driving with under-inflated tires may● The TPMS is not a substitute for the
permanently damage the tires and in- ● Loosefuel cap warning
crease the likelihood of tire failure. Se-regular tire pressure check. Be sure to
rious vehicle damage could occur andcheck the tire pressure regularly.● Checktire pressure warning
mayleadtoanaccidentandcouldresult● If the vehicle is being driven at speeds● Emergencybrakewarning
in serious personal injury or death.of less than 16 mph (25 km/h), the● Lockwarning
Adjust the tire pressure to the recom-● Be sure to install the specified size of● I-Key system warning
mended COLD tire pressure shown ontires to the four wheels correctly.
the Tire and Loading Information label ● Headlight system warning
located in the driver’s door opening toLowwindshield-washer fluid● ITSwarning
turn the low tire pressure warning lightwarning light (if so equipped)
OFF. If the light still comes on while ● Shipping mode warning
driving after adjusting the tire pressure,This light comes on when the windshield-washer● Lowoilpressure warning
atire may be flat. If you have a flat tire,fluid is at a low level. Add windshield-washerfluid
replace it with a spare tire as soon asas necessary. For additional information, refer toFor additional information, refer to “Vehicle infor-
possible. “Windshield-washer fluid” in the “Maintenancemation display”in this section.
● Whenasparetireismountedorawheeland do-it-yourself” section of this manual.
is replaced the TPMS will not functionMaster warning light
and the low tire pressure warning light
will flash for approximately 1 minute.
The light will remain on after 1 minute.When the ignition switch is in the ON position,
Contact a NISSAN dealer as soon asthe master warning light illuminates if any of the
possible for tire replacement and/orfollowingaredisplayedonthevehicleinformation
system resetting. display:
Instruments and controls 2-19

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year of production from: 2012

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Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual
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