owners manual Nissan Sentra
owners manual Nissan Sentra - year of production: 2012 - Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Sentra, year of production 2012:
Side light and headlight Vehicle Dynamic ControlAUDIBLEREMINDERS
indicator light (green) (VDC) OFF indicator lightBrake pad wear warning
Theside light and headlight indicator light illumi-This indicator light comes on when the VehicleThediscbrakepadshaveaudiblewearwarnings.
nates when the side light or headlight position isDynamic Control off switch is pushed to OFF.Whenadisc brake pad requires replacement, it
selected. For additional information, refer toThis indicates the Vehicle Dynamic Control hasmakes a high pitched scraping sound when the
“Headlight and turn signal switch”in this section.been turned off.vehicle is in motion, whether or not the brake
Slip indicator light Push the Vehicle Dynamic Control off switchpedalis depressed. Have the brakes checked as
again or restart the engine and the system willsoon as possible if the warning sound is heard.
ThisindicatorwillblinkwhentheVehicleDynamicoperatenormally.Foradditionalinformation,referKey reminder chime
Control (VDC) system is operating, thus alertingto “Vehicle Dynamic Control (VDC) system” in
that the vehicle is nearing its traction limits. Thethe “Starting and driving” section of this manual.A chime sounds if the driver’s door is opened
road surface may be slippery.TheVehicleDynamicControllightalsocomesonwhilethekeyisleftintheignitionswitch.Remove
SPORTmodeindicatorlight (ifwhen you place the ignition switch in the ONthe key and take it with you when leaving the
position. The light will turn off after about 2 sec-vehicle.
so equipped) ondsifthesystemisoperational.IfthelightstaysLight reminder chime
This light illuminates and then turns off when theon or comes on along with theindicator
ignitionswitchisplacedintotheONposition,andlight while you are driving, have the Vehicle Dy-With the ignition switch placed in the OFF posi-
whentheoverdrive off mode off is selected.namic Control system checked by a NISSANtion, a chime sounds when the driver’s door is
For additional information, refer to “Continuouslydealer.openedif the headlights or parking lights are on.
Variable Transmission (CVT)”inthe“StartingandWhile the Vehicle Dynamic Control system isTurn the headlight control switch off before leav-
driving” section of this manual.operating, youmightfeelaslightvibrationorhearing the vehicle.
the system working when starting the vehicle orNISSANIntelligent Key® door buzzer
Turn signal/hazard indicatoraccelerating, but this is normal.
lights (if so equipped)
Theappropriatelightflasheswhentheturnsignal TheIntelligent Key door buzzer sounds if any one
switch is activated. of the following improper operations is found.
Bothlightsflashwhenthehazardswitchisturned ● The ignition switch is not returned to the
on. LOCKposition when locking the doors.
Instruments and controls 2-23

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year of production from: 2012

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Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual
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