owners manual Nissan Sentra
owners manual Nissan Sentra - year of production: 2012 - Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Sentra, year of production 2012:
Instant fuel economy NOTE:
Theinstantfueleconomymodeshowstheinstant Whendrivinguphillorroundingcurves,the
fueleconomy.Thedisplayupdatesinstantlywhen fuel in the tank shifts, which may momen-
driving. tarily change the display.
Average fuel economy Trip computer reset
The average fuel economy mode shows the av- To reset Trip A, Trip B, AVG/mpg, or AVG/mph,
erage fuel economy since the last reset. Reset- gotothedesiredmodeonthetripcomputerand
ting is done by pressing thebutton on the hold thebutton on the steering wheel for
steering wheel for more than approximately more than 3 seconds.
1 second. The display is updated every 30 sec-
onds. At about the first 1/3 mile (500 m) after a
reset, the display shows (----).
Average speed LIC3148
The average speed mode shows the averageDistance to Empty
vehicle speed since last reset. Resetting is doneThe distance to empty (dte) mode provides you
by pressing thebutton on the steeringwith an estimation of the distance that can be
wheelformorethanapproximately1second.Thedriven before refueling. The dte is constantly be-
display is updated every 30 seconds. The firsting calculated, based on the amount of fuel in the
30 seconds after a reset, the display showsfuel tank and the actual fuel economy which will
(----). depend on driving conditions. Dashes (—) indi-
the fuel pump and should be refilled as soon as
The display is updated every 30 seconds.
2-10 Instruments and controls

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year of production from: 2012

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Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual
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