owners manual Nissan Sentra
owners manual Nissan Sentra - year of production: 2012 - Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Sentra, year of production 2012:
Lowtire pressure warning lightpressure warning light. Use a tire pressureFor additional information, refer to “Tire Pressure
gaugetocheckthetire pressure.Monitoring System (TPMS)”in the “Starting and
Your vehicle is equipped with a TPMS that moni-The low tire pressure warning light remains illu-driving”section and “Tire pressure”in the “Main-
tors the tire pressure of all tires except the spare.minated until the tires are inflated to the recom-tenance and do-it-yourself” section of this
The low tire pressure warning light warns of lowmended COLD tire pressure. The CHECK TIREmanual.
tire pressure or indicates that the TPMS is notPRES warning message is displayed each timeWARNING
functioning properly. theignitionswitchisplacedintheONpositionas
long as the low tire pressure warning light re-● Radio waves could adversely affect
After the ignition switch is placed in the ONmains illuminated.electric medical equipment. Those who
position, this light illuminates for about 1 secondFor additional information, refer to “Check tireuse a pacemaker should contact the
and turns off. pressure warning message” in the “Instrumentselectric medical equipment manufac-
Lowtire pressure warningandcontrols”sectionand“TirePressureMonitor-turer for the possible influences before
ing System (TPMS)”in the “Starting and driving”use.
If the vehicle is being driven with low tiresectionandinthe“Incaseofemergency”section● If the light does not illuminate with the
pressure, the warning light will illuminate.of this manual.ignition switch placed in the ON posi-
A CHECK TIRE PRES warning message isTPMSmalfunctiontion, have the vehicle checked by a
also displayed in the odometer. NISSANdealerassoonaspossible.
When the low tire pressure warning lightIf the TPMS is not functioning properly, the low
illuminates, you should stop and adjust thetire pressure warning light will flash for approxi-
tire pressure of all four tires to the recom-mately 1 minute when the ignition switch is
mended COLD tire pressure shown on theplacedintheONposition.Thelightwillremainon
after the 1 minute. Have the system checkedbya
Tire and Loading Information label locatedNISSAN dealer. The CHECK TIRE PRES warn-
in the driver’s door opening. The low tireing message is not displayed if the low tire pres-
pressure warning light does not automati-sure warning light illuminates to indicate a TPMS
cally turn off when the tire pressure is ad-malfunction.
justed. After the tire is inflated to the rec-
ommended pressure, the vehicle must be
activate the TPMS and turn off the low tire
2-18 Instruments and controls

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year of production from: 2012

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Nissan Sentra VII 7 B17 owners manual
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