owners manual Nissan Rogue
owners manual Nissan Rogue - year of production: 2013 - Nissan Rogue II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Rogue, year of production 2013:
● All-Wheel Drive (AWD) Tire Size IncorrectCAUTION● Whenthepowersteering warning light
SeeOwner’sManual illuminates with the engine running,
● All-Wheel Drive (AWD) High Temp. Stop● If the master warning light was illumi-there will be no power assist for the
vehicle nated while driving: steering. You will still have control of
—AWDHighTempStopvehicle the vehicle, but the steering will be
● All-Wheel Drive (AWD) Error See Owner’sPullofftheroadinasafeareaandidlethemuchhardertooperate.Havethepower
Manual engine. The driving mode will change tosteering system checked by a NISSAN
● Nokeywarning 2WD to prevent the AWD system fromdealer.
● Lowfuelwarning malfunctioning. If the warning light turnsWhen the ignition switch is in the ON position,
off, you can drive again.thepowersteeringwarninglightilluminates.After
● Lowwindshield-washer fluid warning—Tire Size Incorrect See Owner’s Manualstarting the engine, the power steering warning
● Parking brake release warningPullofftheroadinasafeareaandidlethelight turns off. This indicates that the powersteer-
engine. Check that all tire sizes are theing system is operational. If the power steering
● Door/liftgate open warningsame,tirepressureiscorrectandtiresarewarning light illuminates while the engine is run-
● Loosefuel cap not worn. ning, it may indicate the power steering system is
not functioning properly and may need servicing.
If the All-Wheel Drive (AWD) system malfunc-● If the warning light is still on after theHave the power steering system checked by a
tions, or the diameter of the front and the rearabove operations, have your vehicleNISSAN dealer. For additional information, refer
wheelsaredifferent, the master warning light willcheckedbyaNISSANdealerassoonasto “Power steering” in the “Starting and driving”
illuminate. For additional information, refer to “All-possible.section of this manual.
WheelDrive(AWD)”inthe“Startinganddriving”Power steering warning lightSeat belt warning light and
section of this manual.
● If the warning light comes on while drivingWARNINGchime
there may be a malfunction in the AWD● If the engine is not running or is turnedThe light and chime remind you to fasten your
system. Reducethevehiclespeedandhaveoff while driving, the power assist forseat belts. The light illuminates whenever the
yourvehiclecheckedbyaNISSANdealerasthe steering will not work. Steering willignition switch is placed in the ON or START
soon as possible. beharder to operate. position and remains illuminated until the driver’s
Instruments and controls 2-11

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year of production from: 2013

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Nissan Rogue II 2 owners manual
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