owners manual Nissan Rogue
owners manual Nissan Rogue - year of production: 2013 - Nissan Rogue II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Rogue, year of production 2013:
Operation The MIL may stop blinking and come on steady.For additional information, refer to “Security sys-
The MIL will come on in one of two ways:Havethevehicle inspected by a NISSAN dealer.tems”in this section.
YoudonotneedtohaveyourvehicletowedtotheSlip indicator light
● MILonsteady—Anemissioncontrolsystemdealer.
malfunction has been detected. Check the This indicator will blink when the VDC system is
fuel-filler cap if the LOOSE FUEL CAPCAUTIONoperating, thus alerting the driver to the fact that
warning appears in the vehicle informationContinued vehicle operation without hav-the road surface is slippery and the vehicle is
display. If the fuel-filler cap is loose or miss-ing the emission control system checkednearing its traction limits.
ing, tighten or install the cap and continue toand repaired as necessary could lead to
drive the vehicle. Thelight should turnpoor driveability, reduced fuel economy,You may feel or hear the system working; this is
off after a few driving trips. If thelightandpossibledamagetotheemissioncon-normal.
does not turn off after a few driving trips,trol system.The light will blink for a few seconds after the
have the vehicle inspected by a NISSANOverdrive OFF indicator lightVDCsystemstopslimiting wheel spin.
dealer. You do not need to have your vehicle
towed to the dealer.The overdrive off indicator light illuminates whenTheindicator light also comes on when
● MIL blinking — An engine misfire has beenthe overdrive off mode is selected.you place the ignition switch in the ON position.
detected which may damage the emission The light will turn off after approximately 2 sec-
control system. To reduce or avoid emissionFor additional information, refer to “Continuouslyondsif the system is operational. If the light does
control system damage:Variable Transmission (CVT)”inthe“Startingandnot come on have the system checked by a
driving” section of this manual.NISSANdealer.
– do not drive at speeds above 45 MPHSecurity indicator lightSPORTmodeindicatorlight
(72 km/h).
– avoid hard acceleration or deceleration.This light blinks when the ignition switch isThis light illuminates and then turns off when the
– avoid steep uphill grades.placed in the OFF, LOCK or ACC (if soignitionswitchisplacedintotheONposition,and
– if possible, reduce the amount of cargoequipped) position.whentheoverdrive off mode off is selected.
being hauled or towed.Theblinking security indicator light indicates thatFor additional information, refer to “Continuously
the security systems equipped on the vehicle areVariable Transmission (CVT)”inthe“Startingand
operational. driving” section of this manual.
2-14 Instruments and controls

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