owners manual Nissan Rogue
owners manual Nissan Rogue - year of production: 2013 - Nissan Rogue II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Rogue, year of production 2013:
TPMSmalfunction: ● If the light illuminates while driving,● Replacingtireswiththosenotoriginally
If the TPMS is not functioning properly, the lowavoid sudden steering maneuvers orspecified by NISSAN could affect the
tire pressure warning light will flash for approxi-abrupt braking, reduce vehicle speed,proper operation of the TPMS.
mately one minute when the ignition switch ispull off the road to a safe location and
placedintheONposition.Thelightwillremainonstop the vehicle as soon as possible.CAUTION
after the one minute. Have the system checkedDrivingwithunder-inflatedtiresmayper-● The TPMS is not a substitute for the
byaNISSANdealer.The“TirePressureLowAddmanently damage the tires and increaseregular tire pressure check. Be sure to
Air”warning does not appear if the low tire pres-the likelihood of tire failure. Serious ve-check the tire pressure regularly.
sure warning light illuminates to indicate a TPMShicle damage could occur and may lead
malfunction. toanaccidentandcouldresultinserious● If the vehicle is being driven at speeds
personal injury. Check the tire pressureof less than 16 MPH (25 km/h), the
For additional information, refer to “Tire Pressurefor all four tires. Adjust the tire pressureTPMSmaynotoperatecorrectly.
Monitoring System (TPMS)”in the “Starting andto the recommended COLD tire pressure● Be sure to install the specified size of
driving”section and “Tire pressure”in the “Main-shown on the Tire and Loading Informa-tires to the 4 wheels correctly.
tenance and do-it-yourself” section of thistion label located in the driver’s door
manual. opening to turn the low tire pressureLowwindshield-washer fluid
warning light OFF. If the light still illumi-warning light (if so equipped)
WARNING nates while driving after adjusting the
tire pressure, a tire may be flat. If youThis light comes on when the windshield-washer
● Radio waves could adversely affecthaveaflattire,replaceitwithasparetire
electric medical equipment. Those whoas soon as possible.fluid is at a low level. Add windshield-washerfluid
use a pacemaker should contact the● Whenasparetireismountedorawheelas necessary. For additional information, refer to
electric medical equipment manufac-is replaced tire pressure will not be in-“Windshield-washer fluid” in the “Maintenance
turer for the possible influences beforedicated, the TPMS will not function andand do-it-yourself” section of this manual.
use. the low tire pressure warning light willMaster warning light
● If the light does not illuminate with theflash for approximately 1 minute. The
ignition switch placed in the ON posi-light will remain on after 1 minute. Con-When the ignition is in the ON position, the
tion, have the vehicle checked by atact your NISSAN dealer as soon asmaster warning light illuminates if any of the fol-
NISSANdealerassoonaspossible.possible for tire replacement and/orlowing are displayed on the vehicle information
system resetting. display.
2-10 Instruments and controls

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year of production from: 2013

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