owners manual Nissan Rogue
owners manual Nissan Rogue - year of production: 2013 - Nissan Rogue II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Rogue, year of production 2013:
8. Tire pressure Vehicle Settings Light Off Delay (if so equipped)
Thetire pressure modeshowsthepressureofallThe vehicle settings allows the customer toThe duration of the automatic headlights can be
four tires while the vehicle is driven. The axlechange settings for interior lights, turn signals,changed from 0 to 180 seconds. From the Ve-
between the tires will also display the recom-intelligent key settings, unlock settings and otherhicleSettingsmenu,select“LightOffDelay”.Use
mendedtire pressure. vehicle settings. the ENTER button to change the duration.
When the “Tire Pressure Low Add Air” or “FlatThe vehicle settings can be changed using3 Flash Pass
Tire Visit Dealer” (if so equipped) warning ap-the,, and the ENTER buttons.The 3 flash pass can be set to be ON or OFF.
pears, the display can be switched to the tireFrom the Vehicle Settings menu, select “3 Flash
pressure mode by pushing thebutton.Welcomelight (if so equipped)Pass”. Use the ENTER button to turn this feature
The tire pressure unit can be changed in theThe welcome light can be set to be ON or OFF.ONorOFF.
TPMS setting under the Settings menu on theFrom the Vehicle Settings menu, select “Wel-I-Key Door Lock
Vehicle Information Display. For additional infor-come Light”. Use the ENTER button to turn this
mation, refer to “Vehicle Information Display” infeature ON or OFF.Whenthis item is turned on, the request switch
this section. Auto RoomLamp on the door is activated. From the Vehicle Set-
9. Chassis control tings menu, select “I-Key Door Unlock”. Use the
The interior lights can be set to be ON or OFF ifENTERbuttontoactivate this function.
When the Active Trace Control, Active Engineany door is unlocked. From the Vehicle SettingsSelective-Unlock
Brake, or the Active Ride Control is operated, itmenu,select“AutoRoomLight”.UsetheENTER
shows the operating condition. It also showsbutton to turn this feature ON or OFF.Whenthisitemisturnedon,onlythedriver’sdoor
operating condition of hill start assist or the hillLight Sensitivity (if so equipped)is unlocked first after the door unlock operation.
descent control. For additional information, referWhen the door handle request switch on the
to “Active Trace Control, Active Engine Brake,Thelightsensitivitycanbesettoilluminateearlierdriver’s or front passenger’s side door is pushed
Active Ride Control, hill start assist or the hillbased on the brightness outside the vehicle.to be unlocked, only the corresponding door is
descentcontrol”in“StartingandDriving”sectionFrom the Vehicle Settings menu, select “Lightunlockedfirst.Allthedoorscanbeunlockedifthe
of this manual. Sensitivity”. UsetheENTERbuttontochangethedoor unlock operation is performed again within
sensitivity. 1 minute. When this item is turned to off, all the
doors will be unlocked after the door unlock
operation is performed once. From the Vehicle
Instruments and controls 2-21

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year of production from: 2013

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