owners manual Nissan Rogue
owners manual Nissan Rogue - year of production: 2013 - Nissan Rogue II 2 owners manual EN
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from owners manual to the vehicle Nissan Rogue, year of production 2013:
Anti-lock Braking System (ABS) warningCAUTIONLowtire pressure warning:
indicator If the vehicle is being driven with low tire
When the parking brake is released and the● Donotgroundelectricalaccessoriesdi-pressure, the warning light will illuminate.
brake fluid level is sufficient, if both the brakerectly to the battery terminal. Doing soA“TirePressureLowAddAir”warningalso
will bypass the variable control system
warning light and the ABS warning light illumi-and the vehicle battery may not chargeappears in the vehicle information display.
nates, it may indicate the ABS is not functioningcompletely. Refer to “Variable voltageWhen the low tire pressure warning light
properly. Have the brake system checked, and ifcontrol system” in the “Maintenanceilluminates, you should stop and adjust the
necessary,repairedby a NISSAN dealerand do-it-yourself” section in thistire pressure of all four tires to the recom-
promptly. Avoid high-speed driving and abruptmanual.mended COLD tire pressure shown on the
braking. For additional information, refer to “Anti-● DonotcontinuedrivingifthegeneratorTire and Loading Information label located
lock Braking System (ABS) warning light”in thisbelt is loose, broken or missing.in the driver’s door opening. The low tire
section. pressure warning light does not automati-
Charge warning light Lowtire pressure warning lightcally turn off when the tire pressure is ad-
justed. After the tire is inflated to the rec-
If this light comes on while the engine is running,Your vehicle is equipped with a Tire Pressureommended pressure, the vehicle must be
it may indicate the charging system is not func-Monitoring System (TPMS) that monitors the tiredriven at speeds above 16 MPH (25 km/h)
pressure of all tires except the spare.to activate the TPMS and turn off the low
tioning properly. Turn the engine off and checkThe low tire pressure warning light warns of lowtire pressure warning light. Use a tire pres-
the generator belt. If the belt is loose, broken,tire pressure or indicates that the TPMS is notsure gauge to check the tire pressure.
missing, or if the light remains on, see a NISSANfunctioning properly.The “Tire Pressure Low Add Air” warning ap-
dealer immediately. pears each time the ignition switch is placed in
After the ignition switch is placed in the ONthe ON position as long as the low tire pressure
position, this light illuminates for about 1 secondwarning light remains illuminated.
and turns off.
For additional information, refer to “Vehicle infor-
mation display”in the “Instruments and controls”
section and “Tire Pressure Monitoring System
in the “In case of emergency” sectionof this
Instruments and controls 2-9

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year of production from: 2013

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